I was thinking this morning of those in the Bible - who fell - TopicsExpress


I was thinking this morning of those in the Bible - who fell before Christ Jesus - at the feet of Jesus - my my what things occur and how things immediately change :) especially at Legion, the Wildman - we may think that we have a lot of problems -but man oh man they are not anything like he had. Ooo one thing I liked about this story is that as soon as he saw Jesus -he ran to Him and fell before Him -at His feet - this Wildman started worshipping Jesus -though many many demons were possessed in his body. You know the rest of the story - if not check it out in the gospel of Mark 5th chapter :) you see no matter how many problems we may be experiencing or just faced or about to face - if we only start falling more to our knees and give it all to Him - when we fall at the feet of Jesus -He will bring us through it and the victory will be so so sweet!!!Its like we really dont worship or even acknowledge Christ as our Lord and Savior until we desperately need Him -really think about it - chew on it like jerky -until you get it to the right taste to savor the fullness of it - yeap I can even use jerky to describe something with Christ Jesus :) lol to me I call it a desperate deal - here we are trying to deal with the Lord in our desperate times and we are willing and dealing while we are praying - all we really need to do is listen and worship Him for Who He Is!! In so so many ways the Lord showed me that the reason most people stay desperate much -much of the time or most of time - is because that is the only time that they will seek Him -oooo watch those toes now - I looked in one of my journals and this is what I wrote - wow what an awaking dream I had - Jesus came to me and was telling me these words - Donna,if you will only seek Me as if you are so desperate all the time, instead of this crisis that you are going through, TRUST ME you will not have as many desperate times in the rest of your life!!! Cling to ME!! I AM here!!!! - well I took Him at His word then and there - He is Faithful!!! Oh still to this day, I truly place my all in all into His hands - Hes got this!!! I even thought of the other day when I was telling you guys about a time when my mom was telling her friend about this church and the atmosphere in it - where she told the lady that if she felt the Spirit, she was the one that brought it - scary thing happen that evening or was it the next day - a certain news station had a clip about that church and the actions that are taking place there - I was WOWd!! I started praying Lord let this not be so!! I had to double check this out and I started praying for the people in this church - cause if there were any still in there that were a part of my dads ministry while he preached there - I wanted them to have peace and that they followed Christ as He desired for all their souls to walk with Him!! God have mercy on that church!! Then it made me pray more for the church family that I grew up with -still love to this day -even though me and my family dont attend there no more but I still pray for the people that God will give them peace and lead them in the right way - to show them that they all need to follow Christ as HE desires for them to be in His will!!! Then a stronger prayer came - the church family that I belong to now -oh my my how I pray for this church that is growing - that we all have peace and that we all strive to be in His will at all times and that soon God will open the doors from Heaven above and say Its time Its time to break the walls and build a bigger sanctuary for all to worship ME!!! I pray for my Pastor D and his family all the time - His wife is a sweetheart and a blessing to his ministry!!! All I can say now - is Im at peace finally and that I can still love and pray for others and still have such a genuine peace that I can say Im HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! With My Lord and with what He is showing me all the time - theres a reason we face things in life or even say to others in life - IT WILL COME FULL CIRCLE!!! may be little circles or big expandable circles - but it will come back!!!!! So be good - cause God dont like ugly!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:48:47 +0000

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