I watched Vince Cable on the Andrew Marr show this morning. He is - TopicsExpress


I watched Vince Cable on the Andrew Marr show this morning. He is so arrogant and is still is not man enough to say that he made a mistake in the recent privatisation of the Royal Mail, and insists that it was a good deal for the taxpayer. He says this despite the damning evidence from the two independent reports published by ‘The National Audit Office’ and more recently the ‘Parliamentary Business Select Committee’, which both exposed his incompetence. He has a PhD in Economics and should know better, but nevertheless he was stitched up like a headless chicken by his chosen City advisors Lazard, Goldman Sachs and UBS. He has been exposed as a naïve fool. To try to divert media attention away from his mistakes, on 8.7.14 Vince Cable appointed Lord Myners, the former Chairman of Marks & Spencer and the Guardian Media Group, to lead an independent review of the Government’s sales of state assets. Cable announced this informal review of the way the government handles flotations just days before the Business Select Committee released their highly critical report into his handling of the privatisation of The Royal Mail. But Myners is Chairman of Huntsworth, the parent company of Citigate Dewe Rogerson. Citigate were the Governments advisors on media relations for the Royal Mail sale and claims to have worked on 90% of all privatisations in the past 30 years, including those of BT, British Gas and British Steel. They were paid £500,000 for their work on Royal Mail, according to a National Audit Office report in April 2014. So the man who has made money from 90% of all the privatisations is being asked to ‘independently review’ whether the Government’s procedures for them are satisfactory. Talk about another ‘establishment’ cover up. This follows the appointment of Ann Elizabeth Oldfield Butler-Sloss to lead the enquiry on paedophilia in Westminster. This blue-blooded pillar of the Tory Establishment already has a track record of covering up the name of Peter Ball, Bishop of Gloucester, when she was leading a previous paedophilia investigation, on the grounds that ‘Ball was very old and it would rock the boat of the Church’. So watch her try to protect the Establishment in this latest Westminster scandal.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:02:48 +0000

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