I went into yesterdays chemo treatment thinking the day would go - TopicsExpress


I went into yesterdays chemo treatment thinking the day would go the same as the last 3 chemo treatments, getting use to the routine now. Last Friday my FP Doctor reduced my Prednisone from 20mg to 10mg, the goal is to get me off of the med as soon as possible because it is counter productive to the chemo treatments. This medication is meant to control the Autoimmune rash that I have. So far so good, the rash flares up each time the med is reduced but them calms down again, nothing I cant live with. So with that in my mind when I went in for chemo, I was hoping for a good day. First is the blood work. Turns out the number are headed in the right direction, at least the WBC count is down from 26 to 12. The goal it to at least get to normal counts of about 7. Next is the cancer doctor visit. Actually I see him last, his nurse does the actual physical and patient interview. But when he does come in he tells me he wants to stop chemo, he thinks it is affecting my quality of life. Really? What quality of life will I have if Im dead? I can handle this doc!! He then tells me that in his opinion (his being the second one I have had so far) the tumor is too large and not operable, the operation would be mutilating (his word). So whats next doc? Cause mutilation still sounds better than death. He wants to try radiation next. That was a lot to hear especially when one is not prepared. My hope and plans for recovery have take a set back. Another dip in the roller coaster of cancer I guess. That takes going back to work anytime soon, off the table. I did talk him into one more chemo treatment. Mide as well I was there. Then I go in for a scan. One week after the scan we will get together and discuss any further treatment. I am so happy and appreciate Kevin Arnold more than he know. Yesterday was a very hard day, it would have been so much more so with out him by my side. Of course I appreciate all of my family and friends. Your thoughts and healing energy strengthen my heart. Bright blessing to all )0(
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:32:46 +0000

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