I will Bless the Lord at all times, his praises shall continuously - TopicsExpress


I will Bless the Lord at all times, his praises shall continuously be in my mouth. Let me tell you why!!!!!!!!! I left a message on 8/13/14 asking that all of my FBF pray for my manager DR. Valerie Enloe who was scheduled for major surgery this morning 10am Pacific standard time 8/14/14. Well not only because of your prayers but also those who believed with me and her, God showed us his miracle working power and fixed it where she didnt have to have surgery at all. The doctors looked at her and saw where God began the healing process to her body through out the night. Hallelujah!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus. You see she believed God could do it because she told me yesterday that the doctors were about to see how Jesus freaks really get down. YOU CANT TELL ME MY SAVIOR ISNT REAL. You see I may work and entertain in a secular world but my heart is with God and I will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for he has done great things in my life and for the people around me. He is a God that he cannot lie. I want to thank all of you for your prayers but I want to encourage those of you who pray, but struggle with belief. Would you believe that there are people who really know how to talk to God but struggle with believing the God that they talk to so well will perform for them as they have seen him do for so many others? People struggle with knowing that God is going to take care of them yet they continue to pray. PRAYER IS GOOD! The bible says men should always pray! The rest of that scripture says Men should always pray and not faint. Which means not to doubt or waiver from your request to God. The bible also says for us to pray without ceasing. If you read in Romans Paul says for with the heart man BELIEVES unto righteousness but WITH THE MOUTH CONFESSION is made. You see even unto salvation you MUST BELIEVE. There was a soldier in the Bible who had a son who was sick and he ran into Jesus one day and he told Jesus his son was sick so Jesus said come on lets go to where he is. Well the man told Jesus, Im a man of authority. I tell this person and that person to go and do and he must obey me, but I am not worthy of you coming to my home so IF YOU SPEAK THE WORD my son will be made whole. Look at how at his belief. Jesus said, I have not seen one person with such great faith yet the disciples walked with him everyday. Will you continue to walk with him everyday and doubt like the disciples or will you be like the man of authority? Your thoughts. Be Blessed!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:52:54 +0000

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