I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will - TopicsExpress


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psa 32:8 The guidance of God over the lives of His people, this is what seems to be paramount in this beautiful Psalm. As I think of all of the other gods of the major world religions there is a big difference. Our God stands above all others. They must be manipulated, persuaded, appeased and otherwise conjoled in some way in order to receive their protection. Not so our Heavenly father. Not only is it a part of His nature to sustain and guide human destiny providentially, but He also watches over His children even as a parent nurtures and trains their little ones; protecting and pointing the way. The prophet Jeremiah decided to weigh in on this subject. He adds another layer to the truth. He said, “Lord, we know that people do not control their own destiny. It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them.” Jer 10:23. Hummm… because of our finite wisdom and ability, our limited understanding of the facts coupled with our sinfulness, we simply cannot direct our own steps and get far. What seems right to us results in the way of destruction and death. As man’s thoughts are not God’s, so our ways must likewise fall short of God’s perfect and all-wise plan. “Indeed, my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds, for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans.” Isa 55:8-9 Now to those that like to object on the basis of the “free will” argument, I will concede the subject for the sake of argument. We can have our way but will it ALWAYS end up as something less than superior judgment. Our path can only be “second best”. Our way is merely, “the consolation prize”. Our course can, more likely than not, be foolish. God’s way is always perfect. In fact Paul tells us “the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength,” 1 Cor 1:25. Why not want the best for your life? The subject is comparing human judgments with God’s perfect way. There was a time back in the 1940s when men thought the atomic bomb would end all wars and bring world peace. It obviously has not. God has never changed his mind on the subject. When faced with the problem of a marriage gone wrong, people often see divorce as the answer rather than face the pain and struggle of working through their problems. After all Oprah and Joy Behar on the View told them it was okay. Working through problems in a marriage is certainly God’s will according to the Scripture, which is always what is best for man and society as a whole. Recent research is beginning to show that Scripture has been right all along. Over the long haul, divorce brings more pain and difficulties than it relieves both to the society and to those involved in the divorce. Only the eternal God who is the Alpha and Omega has the infinite wisdom and power, love and mercy needed to direct the affairs of man’s life. As our Creator and the one who formed us in the womb, who better knows us, our abilities, our weaknesses, and all the details of our lives than God? The essential nutshell foundation for discovering and doing God’s will is an unconditional devotion to God and a desire to do His will, namely to please and glorify Him alone. The Lord shows his faithful followers the way they should live. Psa 25:12 So then whether we are alive or away, we make it our ambition to please him. 2 Cor 5:9 Then you will take delight in the Lord, and he will answer your prayers. Commit your future to the Lord! Trust in him, and the Word of God promises that He will act on your behalf. Psa 37:4-5 I appreciate your comments and even your disagreeing observations. Please share these thoughts with others in your friend pages.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:23:56 +0000

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