I wish every police officer in this country would walk off the job - TopicsExpress


I wish every police officer in this country would walk off the job at the same time in every county, city, parish, town, etc...walk out...and stay out until the public decides they want the police to do their job..stop condemning them for doing the job, for protecting themselves as well as law abiding citizens.They deserve to go home to their family every day just as you and I do after doing the job we are getting paid to do. Condemning them for using too much armor, using military like equipment, complaining about too many raids, too many doors being knocked down. When the public starts calling because they need or want a cop to come to help them and they are told there are no cops available...then lets see how fast they start begging the police to return to protect them....in case you havent noticed, the cops are out gunned and outnumbered by the thugs, and the bleeding hearts want to tie their hands even more. I say give them everything and more that they need to assure they will be able to go home to their family every day or night after their shift is over. The police have never had a tougher job in the history of Police Departments in this country than they do now...and with all of the thousands and thousands of police officers in this country, you may have a few who go rouge & are just unsuited for the job but let me tell you, they get weeded out quickly..but the majority are good, hard working individuals just wanting to do the the job they have signed up for, first responders during disasters, running into disasters while the public is running away from them, protect the public from the thugs, murderers, thieves, rapists, child abusers, animal abusers, armed robbers, etc...and go home to their families. If we didnt have them and or we dont support them, then we have anarchy and maybe that is just what we deserve. M
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 01:42:19 +0000

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