I wish the pro-cannabis people would stop spreading this crap - TopicsExpress


I wish the pro-cannabis people would stop spreading this crap about cannabis curing cancer. It doesnt. There is no actual valid proof that it does. There have been no real scientific studies showing that it cures cancer or any other disease. (If there IS, please show me a link....and not a link that just repeats psuedo-science claims.) Dont get me wrong, I am all for legalization, and cannabis has many many great uses. But to keep spreading this It cures cancer bullshit is actually harmful and dangerous. People that HAVE cancer might give up on more tried and effective treatments in favor of something that amounts to an old wives tale such as moonshine curing rheumatism. Pot helps *most* (not all) people deal with the nasty side affects of chemotherapy. It can help with the nausia, body aches etc. (Some people just cannot tolerate pot, believe it or not) But that is VERY VERY different then cannabis curing anything. Any moreso then pain killers cure a broken leg. There *MIGHT* be validity to Pot cures cancer, but there have been no valid studies of that. And if it DOES, it would NOT be on a dosage or therapy plan that involves just smoking it. Please stop using this bullshit as a way to legitimize and validate the campaign to legalize pot. There are far more then enough valid reasons to legalize it rather then giving cancer victims/sufferers some false sense of hope that could make them pass on much more effective therapies. Otherwise, smoke em if you got em! Just cut out the false advertising.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:38:13 +0000

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