I woke this morning and had a strong feeling I needed to write - TopicsExpress


I woke this morning and had a strong feeling I needed to write about this. Please know that this was sent to the family and approved by them for sharing before being posted. Jeremy and Coreen asked that I also share it to this page. This little boy is an incredible miracle. Some of you know the story of these friends of ours, but I want to share a little here. Many details are missing, but this is the story I witnessed of this dear friend of ours. Justice, 2 years old, was traumatically diagnosed this Spring with Leukemia, and at the same time it was found that his liver was in very bad shape. After many painful tests and procedures his parents were relieved to be told that he had the ALL type of leukemia which has an excellent cure rate and their spirits were lifted with the hope that treatment would successfully make their baby well again. A few days into his hospital stay Justice went for surgery to put in a direct port so that medications and bloodwork would be able to be done without having to poke him continually. It was a seemingly minor and simple surgery considering all the other things he was battling, this surgery would make Justices treatment a little less traumatic, something they definitely welcomed. Justices surgery was successful and everything seemed fine, until the hours passed and he was not waking from his anesthetic. Everyone held their breath, and hundreds of people prayed for Justice to wake. Doctors were confused and trying everything, but Justice remained in a peaceful dream. Treatments for Justices Leukemia were ceased as everyone prayed for him to wake as the hours and then days passed. Finally, on the 4th day after surgery, his sweet eyes opened, but although he was looking around, he showed no signs of recognizing anyone or anything, and he did not speak or respond in any way. Doctors still were completely confused and did not know what was going on. Streams and streams of doctors and specialists from every corner and every department of Childrens hospital buzzed in and out of his room, his parents never leaving his bedside, and his friends, family, and many who have never known him prayed....and prayed...and wept...and pleaded....and prayed. Justice began to make little steps forward, he would move his head from side to side, and move his legs around, but more than a week after surgery he still showed no outward signs of recognizing anyone, or of speaking. It was awful, it was so very very scary. 10 days after his surgery a friend and I drove down to see his family and offer some support. We arrived to find the family at his bedside, and Justice peaceful and awake, but completely unaware of his surroundings. Justice lay in his bed eyes wide looking around, moving his arms and legs a little, but unresponsive to everything and everyone, it was so incredibly sad. His parents were still very hopeful, maybe his body was just waking up extremely slow from the anesthetic, they so lovingly remained with him every hour, praying their little boy would come back. Shortly after we arrived the family was called into a meeting to discuss the results of his brain scan, we remained with Justice as they were led to another room by a team of doctors and specialists. We sat in that small dark room, lit by mobiles, projectors, lava lamps, and colorful lights, all there to help stimulate him to wake out of this daze, as his parents went to hear the latest test results. The results were catastrophic. Justice had massive brain damage, on both sides of his brain. Totally unexplained as to how it happened, and his parents were told that the damage was permanent, it would not reverse. Justice was not merely processing his anesthetic slowly, something in the surgery significantly, and permanently damaged his brain. You can imagine the emotions of his Mother. Her baby was forever changed. His Dads explanation will forever be etched in my mind. He walked to his sons bedside, as Justice lay in his hospital bed, eyes wide starring at the wall. He lovingly put his hand on his sons head and stroked it as he told us the devastating news calmly and quietly, and then he said something I will never forget. Jeremy declared, BUT none of these results change his chances of a MIRACULOUS healing by God. And he MEANT it, there was no faltering in his voice, his faith was in his Savior, God of Goodness, before any doctor, specialist, or high tech test, he knew and he believed that his sons future lay in the hands of his almighty God, and that alone brought comfort and hope in a time that looked hopeless and devastating. Everyone continued to pray, weep, and plead for Justice, he still had a failing liver, cancer in his blood, and now this. Oh God, please spare this precious boy. Driving back home was gray and our hearts were filled with grieving for Justice and his family. I admit, despite my prayers and pleading, I was having a very hard time finding hope of his cognitive abilities improving. Things looked very very grim. Then, something I will never forget happened. I was pulled over, 10 minutes from home, Speaking to my sister about how devastating things looked. But instead of reciprocated grief, she had checked his page and shared the news that just that morning Justice had SPOKE!!!!! He had spoke, and he had recognized the treasured stuffy that just the night before lay limply on his arm, Justice unaware of his little Bunny friend, even though it had previously followed him everywhere he went. I truly didnt believe it could be true, and my heart leapt with the sudden overwhelming emotion and joy that God had performed a miracle that morning like nothing I could have possibly imagined!!!! Overnight, God had done something unimaginable, Justice had spoke, he had shown recognition, he had even asked for water using please and thankyou!!!! How was this possible after the results they had received just the day before!!!??? Things only progressed in the days to follow, he began to use more words, to sit up, to eat! He had bumps along the way, even going septic and being rushed to ICU, his port failed and he required more surgeries to remove and replace it, and other obstacles emerged, but God never left his side, and he pulled through every challenge. Justices four year old sister came to stay with him and his Mom, and his progress exploded, the powerful bond between them seemed to light a fire in Justice to get well again. His cancer treatments resumed and his body began to respond. After only a few treatments, the leukemia was untraceable in his blood, he was getting well in mind and in body!!! This past weekend, for the first time in over two months, Justice got to come home with his family for a few days. I couldnt have truly believed the complete healing God has done until I saw it for myself. Justice was excited to see his friends, chatting away, walking, laughing, exactly the same as he always had been. Not a single trace of cognitive damage, in fact, he was talking MORE than when he left for the hospital. This weekend I was beyond touched to witness a real miracle. Having seen him in that hospital isolation room, wires and machines, unresponsive and honestly seemingly very close to being completely void of brain activity, I have only one possible explanation. God is REAL. God HEARS PRAYERS. God loves, God protects, God is CAPABLE of ALL things. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. He is there regardless of results. If justice had not gotten well again, God would have still been in control. I will leave you with a few pictures of our time with Justice and his family from this past weekend, and the declaration, that our God is an AWESOME God, if you dont know him, introduce yourself, you will not be dissapointed.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:46:24 +0000

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