I would like to know the scientific viability of this idea please! - TopicsExpress


I would like to know the scientific viability of this idea please! Have you ever thought of how complexly simple it really is to produce a living world from that old cold lifeless rock called Mars? Well I have and here goes a brief glimpse into what is required. The first stages should take place with robotics the fact is humans will only get in the way. Also the first stages do not even began on Mars. Where the first stages began is here on Earth. This stage is the construction of androids that have the programs to subtract the required elements from on and around Mars to produce a living environment from the complete world of Mars. The next step would be to locate the reasons why it is that Mars has failed to become a living world ( as I understand it from what I have studied on the subject the Number one reason Mars has not a living environment is dew to the fact Mars has a cool core with an extremely low level of atomic decay. The correct amount of Atomic Decay in the Earth is the reason that the Earth has an atmosphere that promotes the life cycle. Now you may be wondering if Mars lacks The correct amount of atomic radiation one of the key components of life is the possibility to construct a living world from Mars even possible? The Answer is Yes and this is how First you must understand what it is that Mars is lacking and that is the Energy to produce a living and reproducing world from that old cold life less rock other wise known as Mars. The next step is to craft a device that can record the frequency of the Earth`s Atmosphere in a each stage of the Earth`s Atmosphere. The next stage is to build a device that can map Mars down to its core from the Earth this would be done with the computerized subtraction of elemental decay rate. By doing this you know the exact mass as well as size of Mars. Now it is time to adjust the frequency to size the next step is to build a solar cell with the correct magnification to produce this frequency from radio waves as the Earth does. The next stage is to build androids that can construct radio recovers as well as the devices to transmit the frequency from the code in the transmission( With all of this that is if it is done correctly you will at that point a Mars ready for life. At that point the saga becomes more complex though less difficult.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:55:07 +0000

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