I would like to know who is coaching the Coalition to groom the - TopicsExpress


I would like to know who is coaching the Coalition to groom the Australian people. They have changed from Opposition attack dogs to charmed and dangerous smooth talkers pulling every guilt laden argument out to assure the population they have our best interests at heart. Our childrens future; the opportunity for women to get back into the work force; jobs for the future - what a load of old bollocks. More work needs to be done with Tony for him to appear more sincere - that smarmy smile makes me think very evil thoughts. As I watched the Budget speech I didnt get the overwhelming sense the whole of the Coalition was buying what was being sold. And I am not overly convinced the Labor Party has enough fire in its belly to challenge, god forbid that I am even thinking that it may be up to Clive and his PUPs to go for the jugular. Politics is going to get very interesting. It is up to us, the people to stand up and be heard. A lot of letters to be written, petitions to be signed and social media put to work, marches to be marched. (I think I need to get back to work! Too much thinking time!)
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 01:43:12 +0000

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