I would like to thank all those involved in raising and mobilizing - TopicsExpress


I would like to thank all those involved in raising and mobilizing interest in the PBW whether consciously or inadvertently or even those with negative notions as whatever the motivation it has brought the activities of the organization to more Paulites – worldwide. I would take this opportunity to introduce the PBW and to clarify its existence and mission statement and in the process find new and enthusiastic members to continue and change the organization for the better. However, I would like to first thank all our Sponsors/Donors/contributors for their support so far and acknowledge their efforts and contributions starting from Rs.1/- onwards to in excess of Rs. 25,000/- the table below lists all of these individuals in no specific order of their contributions or importance. Without your support we could not have accomplished what we have to date…….. THANK YOU SINCERELY AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!! CHEER BOYS, CHEER....! PBW is THE OFFICIAL SCHOOL ALUMNI BODY of St. Pauls High School – Belgaum and has the Rector and the Principal of our beloved alma mater as the chairman and vice chairman and operates with their full support and confidence. All our activities are vetted by them and they are fully aware of all the details involved. A copy of our annual accounts is with the school and we ensure that all contributors are fully informed through posts on the internet of the details on an ongoing basis as well as at the year end. The mission statement is service to • Paulites • St. Paul’s High School • The community in Belgaum IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT NOT A SINGLE CONTRIBUTOR HAS BEEN COERCED OR MISINFORMED OF THE DETAILS OF THE INTENDED EXPENDITURE OF THEIR MONEY WHICH HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THEM OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL AND THESE DETAILS HAVE BEEN MADE CLEAR RIGHT AT THE ONSET AND THEY HAVE BEEN KEPT INFORMED OF THE PROGRESS OF THE VARIOUS ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN ON THEIR BEHALF. IT SEEMS VERY CLEAR THAT THEY HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE AND TRUST IN THE PBW Starting with our very first program that of a blood donation camp at school, it was the committee members who directly bore the costs involved and the first contribution in any of our subsequent projects have always had the committee start the drive with their own contributions first. One must keep clearly in mind that these are a group of enthusiastic Paulites who despite their own busy lives and schedules give freely of their time and resources including finance to make sure that good things get done in line with the mission statement. There are no vested interests in the group who only wish to share their love of the alma mater and the basic lessons learned there with others. It must be noted here that not everyone thinks alike and while we may all have different notions of right and wrong there is always a possibility of changing a debatable decision but no chance of correcting “no decision at all” which would result from several inputs with a two week ‘cooking’ period which often leaves the patient dead. If I remember it was the esteemed Tagore that mentioned that he would rather have crisp banknotes in his family chest than a long pedigree especially when one is starving and cold. As can be seen by the list tabled above, there are many other Paulites who share the vision and have - put their money where their mouth is …so to speak. However, this is not all that the PBW does as one of the more important aspects of the group is to get Paulites to meet interface and interact with other Paulites …..across batches and years with no age or any other barriers. THIS HAS APPARENTLY WORKED OUT WELL IF YOU ARE READING THIS POST!!! It is a universal truth that no good deed goes unpunished as is clear in some of the posts that we receive and to these persons we ask you to come work with us on the ground. There was never any idea of a corpus as we have always kept in mind that we only collect for projects that need to be actioned and money in the bank does not help the needy. Our work will continue and we do hope that you will understand us if we feel skeptical of “money managers” when there are needs to be fulfilled in our mission statement. It is amazing when one has a corpus how many of these’ managers’ come out of the woodwork to ‘manage’ the corpus they have not contributed to in any way Change is inevitable and good and we need new members to carry forward the good work that we started and new young blood (provided they are not avaricious or selfish or those with hidden personal agendas) are always welcome and desperately needed by the PBW. If you must be critical then please be constructive in your criticism so that we may improve our efforts rather than try to put spokes in the wheel of our progress especially when you have no other intention than to be an armchair critic with a need to stymie progress ONE MAY DIRECTLY CONTACT THE PRINCIPAL OF OUR ALMA MATER TO VERIFY OR GET CLARIFICATION ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE PBW
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 09:31:21 +0000

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