I would like to thank the mayor of Toronto... Not because he - TopicsExpress


I would like to thank the mayor of Toronto... Not because he admitted to anything... Nope, I want to thank him for proving that the democratic representation that is in place today is a waste!... imagine this: the company you work for no matter what it is that you do for gainful employment discovers that the the person at the top is a crack head!... imagine if this was Ford Canada or Telus or any other large corporation... maybe in a biz of this size there are enough underlings that the shortcomings of such leadership could go unnoticed for a time... now imagine a small company where the top seat is actually needed and that person has to perform or the company would surely fail. ( You see where I am heading?) The fat salaried and useless positions are exemplified by this mans admission.. I will have to laugh if he runs again and gets any votes, even harder if he wins... I wonder how hard his job really is, and what he has to do in a day! But then I wonder the same thing about the top seats in my area too!Then I think about the other systems for representation of us in a democratic system and I can see why more people need to be exposed to them... Lots of my friends on fbook think I make sense (at least at times) how many of you have actually looked into the Interactive Sovereign Society, or the interactive electoral society... or tried to have a conversation with Psam? Im not saying this is the way I think it is a better way than what we have, and it is designed to evolve with us... not because of us or against us... imagine the lack of government red tapeI can go on and on but really I am starting to think like Mr Brand (Brandt?) The comic that believes that a vote is a waste and if you vote you are endorsing this system... We are NOT living in a democracy, I hope you dont get upset when you realize this... I do hope though that you do get upset when you realize that we could at anytime change the system... all you have to do is look and read, ask questions... and then get answers... can I get a show of hands? Or maybe I am really the fool and this is laugh worthy... I have my opinion, and I earned it... I looked at other systems as well as our own! I was even a card carrying active member of the reform party... Imagine all the hard work and hours of writing in the development so far... and this was all done for us it has been available for over a year and in comparison miley cyrus twinks for 10 seconds and the world talks about it for weeks ha ha and the same people wonder what kind of world they live in.... it is the reaction of those people that leaves me with the same question! I do by the way think Miley is using the system to the max to get the most, and doing this using the method that has proven to be acceptable... she is a very talented singer with a great voice, and very little fear...and talking about her is her road to success... the worse things you say, the bigger her leaps to success!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:20:02 +0000

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