I would love for this to become a meme. Choose a group of - TopicsExpress


I would love for this to become a meme. Choose a group of people who have blocked you, unphrended you, or just been nasty to you, and come up with a list of things that you love about them... JEREMY HILDEBRAND * Excellent artist * Created a Simpsons-themed series of t-shirts for BAT * Plays Collins * Runs, and participates in cool running events EVANS CLINCHY * Wicked funny sense of humour * Puts a tremendous amount of effort into the running, enough to post a killer half marathon time * Hilarious when drunk * Highly talented top Scrabble player * Very knowledgable about sports * Put in the work to become a tournament director * Avid proponent of Collins DAVID KOENIG * Chess master or grandmaster * Top-ranked Scrabble player * Avid proponent of Collins * Moved to be closer to his son * Let me watch The Shape of Things to Come at his place one time JASON BROESMA * Runner * Switched to Collins * Directs tournaments * Showing remarkable improvement in Scrabble * Willing to travel across South America RISA HOROWITZ * Keeps putting in an effort at Scrabble * Talented writer and artist * Jewish * Physically attractive * Outgoing KATIE DEVANNEY * Cute as a button * Interested in philosophy * Shows interest in Collins * Smart enough to get into a good law school JASON KELLER * Lost a tremendous amount of weight * Top ranked Scrabble player * Plays Collins * Jeopardy champion * Runner * Tournament director SCOTT JACKSON * Tournament director * Done spectacularly well in Collins * Seemed to have taken up lifting weights the last time I saw him * Funny sense of humour * Potentially very attractive to the females
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 19:44:27 +0000

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