I would rather watch videos of LEOs playing basketball in the - TopicsExpress


I would rather watch videos of LEOs playing basketball in the street with children, riding a BMX bike at a skate park and having a dance battle in the subway... Those are the GOOD GUYS, the ones that realize they are public servants and not intoxicated with power. UNFORTUNATELY there are far too many videos just like this one where (dudes that were most likely picked on as children) feel the need to step way outside of the boundaries of their position. We put trust in LEOs to protect and to serve to keep the citizens of their communities safe. And you wonder why people dont trust the police. When did blasting a woman in the face while holding her by her hair get added to the curriculum in the academy? And why arent these bad apples held to the same standard as the citizens they were sworn to protect? Looks to me like LBG demonstration therefore making the assault on the woman a hate crime correct? BC if it were you or I that did that very same thing we would be charged with every crime imaginable... When will the BAD cops that give the profession and the good ones a black eye finally be held accountable for their actions and tried as criminals for the crimes they commit? Not ALL cops act this way... The ones that do should be made an example of. Now more than ever we need change, politically, socially and economically! Citizens are fed up, and rightly so... We need to take back what is being taken from us (our rights) we need standards, we need a better America! What would you do if she was your Wife, Daughter, Mother etc...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:00:04 +0000

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