I write science fiction. Its a bit hard to write what you know - - TopicsExpress


I write science fiction. Its a bit hard to write what you know - but doing planetary settings, I have a tendency to duplicate planet Earth. I think were such fragile creatures that if we go to other planets, well either have to change ourselves to suit the conditions, change the conditions to suit us (terra-forming) or find Goldilocks planets. However, in this scene from the Iron Admiral I tried to describe conditions where the planets sun is redder than our Sol. I think the brain would very quickly adjust to the different light, but at first, things would look a little different. Tisyphor. A whole new, mysterious world; at once scary and fascinating. What would it be like? The atmosphere thickened. The harness tightened around her as the ship shuddered and bucked its way through a deep cloud layer and then slowed for its final descent. Gases hissing, the ship settled onto its landing pads. The whine of the engines faded into silence, the external hatch soughed open and the harness retracted back into the seat. Her stomach churning, Allysha rose to her feet and collected her bag. She glanced at Sean, still dithering with his belongings, and strode the short distance down the central aisle of the passenger compartment to the open hatch. Good grief, it was like walking into a sauna. She hesitated until Sean’s hand on her back urged her forward. Moisture began to bead on her face, her shirt stuck to her skin and she was certain she could feel her hair begin to curl. The air tasted different, too; a little bit earthy and sweet. Not unpleasant; just not what she was used to and different again to the arid, dusty air of Brjyl, the only other planet she’d been to apart from home. The ship had landed on a platform above purple and green forest that spread to the horizon on three sides. Blues and greens seemed brighter, somehow, and reds and oranges more subdued. To her left a sheer rock face rose into an overcast sky. That would be the extinct volcano where the mine was situated. Below and to the right, a short distance away, she caught a glimpse of buildings clustered around a cleared area.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 20:30:44 +0000

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