I wrote an email to the writer of this comic this morning. If you - TopicsExpress


I wrote an email to the writer of this comic this morning. If you dont have kids with food allergies and wonder what Halloween is like, heres my description. (The preview comic in the link is yesterdays. If you click through youll get todays.) In case you get some irate emails about todays strip, Im hoping youll humor me with reading this email. My two younger kids read your strip in the newspaper and have food allergies. Every year they go out trick or treating. When they come home, I go through and remove all candy with dairy, nuts or peanuts which leaves them with almost nothing. We weigh the unsafe candy and I trade them for money or safe candy. They then give the unsafe candy to their older brother and his friends. My kids take it in stride now, but it was hard when they were younger. As a parent, the scary part is traveling with an epipen and knowing that your kid was sticking his hand into a bowl where the sticky fingers of someone who had eaten a Reeses peanut butter cup might have been and left behind peanut butter. The heartbreaking part as a parent is taking away almost all the candy because your kid has a dangerous medical condition. There is no humor there. Trick-or-treating is part of what you do as a kid so my kids do it and we do the best we can to make it fun. But food allergies arent funny if you have to deal with them. They make Halloween terrifying. grimmy/
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:22:14 +0000

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