I wrote this article back in 2007, based on a story that I heard - TopicsExpress


I wrote this article back in 2007, based on a story that I heard in Berkeley, California in 1991 from a veteran of LEHI (the Stern Gang) : Who Are these so-called “Palestinians?” Concerning the True Identity of the so-called Palestinian People”… Concerning, also the Identity of the People referred to as Joseph in the Ha Neviim, the Prophets: Let us examine the passage: Ezekiel 37:15-20. And also the passage: Amos 6:6 from a pragmatic viewpoint. Either the prophecies of the Bible are true, and eventually get fulfilled, or else, they were not “inspired” and hence, don’t all get fulfilled. -- Either they describe real entities and real parties in the present world =OR Else= the prophets who spoke those words roughly twenty-five hundred years {and upwards} ago, were not inspired by the true and Living G-D. So, Who Are the downtrodden and oppressed people, of whom, in Zephaniah 3: 12, 13, it is written: “I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD. The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid…” …Are these the Remnant who remained in the Holy Land after the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 C.E. [A.D.] when the Romans deported every Jew they could get their hands on, out of the Province of Judea? There had been five bloody - and expensive - Jewish Revolts, and the Romans, by 135 A.D., were tired of putting down Jewish insurrections in Judea. One thirty-five, Anno Domini, 135, C.E., was the year that the Romans re-named the Province of Judea. The new name they gave it was Palestine - which is a Latin corruption of the Greek, Philistia after the sea-going Greeks from Caphtor i.e., Crete, who used to dwell on the Gaza Strip on the sea-coast, back in the time of Saul and David. In 135 C.E., there were no Philistines left in the Land; but the Romans wanted to divorce the Land from any association with the children of Abraham, to whom it had been given as an inheritance by the God of Abraham. The Romans gave a new name to Jerusalem at that time: Aolina Capitolina. They built a Temple to Jupiter on the site of the Temple Mount, where Solomon’s Temple once stood, and the Ezra / Herodian Temple did stand, until 71, C.E. And then, to keep all wandering, homesick Jews out of the holy city, they carved swines heads in the keystones of the arches of the gates of the city, so that no Jew could enter the city without becoming ceremonially unclean according to the Law of Moses. The Romans also sowed sea salt on all the fruitful fields, and on all the hills and valleys of Judea at that time. This, of course, had the long-term effect of causing vast erosion; and the Holy Land lost many feet of topsoil, and become much more of a desert, than the fruitful Land of Milk and Honey it had been - and still was – even in the time of the New Testament; in the days when Yashua walked the Land. For two years after the Bar Kokhba Revolt was put down, the Romans worked very hard to deport every Jew out of the Province; every Jew that they could get their hands on. They sent their Legions through every town, and village, in great sweeps, looking for Jews: men, women and children, to seize and put in irons, and march, two by two, on the roads down to Caesarea, where they were put on Galleys and sent abroad to other provinces of the Roman Empire, and commanded never to return. According to the eminent Jewish philosopher, cultural anthropologist and scholar Martin Buber, the Romans were not totally successful in their attempts to drive all of the Jews into the sea. A Remnant did remain: a simple, peasant folk; drawers of water, and hewers of wood; who were able, for a period of two years, to dodge the Roman soldiers every time they passed by. The Remnant were able to hide in cisterns, in caves, in cellars, in the far recesses of Wadis {canyons} etc. After two years, the Romans gave up trying to deport & drive all of the Jews out of their new Province, “Palestine.” They needed a servant class anyway, and conveniently there already was one, already in place. Martin Buber - at the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus - taught that the so-called Palestinian people were descended from the Judeans who were left in the Land after the Bar Kokhba Revolt. I learned this first-hand from the late Rivka Sigal, of Berkeley {who fought in Lehi, the Stern Gang, during the Israeli War for Independence} and who heard it, first hand from Martin Buber himself, when she was a student at the Hebrew University at Mount Scopus, in or around 1946. According to Rivka Sigal, Martin Buber was something of a Zen Master, and loved to shock his students by parables and similies that were cathartic, and would overthrow their preconceptions. From his own mouth she heard him say: “Bring me a Palestinian Christian from Galilee, and I will show you some of the purest Jewish blood on the Planet.” She said that Buber repeated this Routine at the beginning of each school-year, for the benefit of each oncoming class. The people who were left in the Land after the Bar Kokba Revolt were peasants. Mostly, they were farmers. In Galilee, especially, many of them were Messianic Jews - that is, Nazarenes, or followers of the Way, as taught by Yashua ben Elohim, blessed be His Name. The rest of the Remnant were either Essenes, or else followers of the Pharisees; which Party was then in the process of ossifying into Orthodox Judaism. ...When the Jihad came up from Mecca in the late Seventh Century, many of the peasant folk of the Land were converted to Islam by the edge of the Sword. Over the following generations, the children of these Jewish Converts to Islam mingled with the Arabs who had come in with the Jihad, up from the Arabian Peninsula, and eventually forgot who they were... This, essentially, is the gist of how Rivka Sigal related Bubers Account to me.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:47:04 +0000

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