I wrote this article in the early winter months of this year - TopicsExpress


I wrote this article in the early winter months of this year (Jan/Feb 2014), and because I see it happening before my eyes, and also for the fact that I feel led to repost it now, here it is: Global Warming I live in a modest trailer in a mobile home park in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Late yesterday evening all faucets throughout my home stopped supplying me water. Apparently my pipes froze, and maybe they burst; as I write this, at 11:33AM the next day, it is 30 degrees F. It is supposed to get up to about 45 degrees F around 1-2 PM; perhaps soon I will know if the pipes have busted, and, if not, water should soon begin to flow again. This winter has already proven to be colder than what has been seen in a long time; not just here, but also in many areas throughout this country (the United States of America). Though I am obviously affected by this natural phenomena, I am much more interested in the spiritual application of anything which manifests here in our natural world. This morning, and in the context of my experience here in my waterless trailer, God reminded me of some things He revealed to me in the recent past. I saw frozen saints being thawed out and brought back to life; He always wants us hot or cold, never lukewarm...and well, some got VERY cold! But God was not finished with these saints whose hearts had grown cold and unfeeling; His Consuming Fire essence, when drawn tenderly and intimately close to His creatures cannot but thaw out their frozen hearts, icy stares, and cold demeanors. God is using an ice auger to re-dig or re-tap old sources of living water; as Isaac (whose name means “laughter”) redug the wells of his father Abraham, with great joy and uproarious laughter (knowing the enemy is defeated), God is resurrecting the ancient paths, and because His people are in a marathon race, He needs water stations along the way. No one is as dogged as the Lord; no one fights for His friends for as long and as hard as the Lord does for His. He said He would never leave nor forsake us (even if we forsake Him!); yes, He denies those who deny Him, but even when we are faithless, He remains faithful. And only God reads the human heart perfectly; being agnostic is not being atheistic, and being faithless is not always an utter renunciation. “Lord I believe; help my unbelief,” is sometimes the best we can do; and God is gracious enough to respond even to the smallest seed of potential faith. Consequently, when He said, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life,” He meant it! The backslider is coming home; they had incurable diseases that their former days could not handle. The tender and wise Great Physician gave them everlasting life, but just like obtuse Ephraim of old, He healed them but they did not know it! And also just like Ephraim, the Lord could not give them up! Instead, He graciously went to great lengths and extraordinary measures to preserve them; He froze them away in cryogenic chambers to preserve them until it was time for them to arise like phoenixes. Indeed, the sun of righteousness is arising, and it is like a refiner’s fire; God is banking the coals and stoking the flames of His burning heart as we speak. Those long dead and forgotten, like the lost tribes of Israel, are being warmed up to a new day; the ice water in their veins is melting. At the noon hour, the sun of righteousness will reach its zenith, and the healing in its wings will then complete its righteous task: His frozen chosen will metamorphosize into His Fire Choir. Then they will sing the praises of Him who resurrected them, who took them from a cold hard block of inert ice nonexistent life, and brought them to a hot molten conflagration of vibrant fire existent life. Indeed, He will say to the backslider, “you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted” (1 Peter 2:9-10 MSG); and I would add, from frozen to chosen, and backslidden to a loud resonating shout: “Mine!” Not coincidentally, my water pipes, the icy veins of my abode, began to flow with life again at approximately the noon hour. Several years back, the Lord showed me, in a vision form, water gushing forth from many faucets in many homes throughout the land; I immediately knew it represented a grassroots-like movement of the Holy Ghost, a revival of such magnitude that it would be more than a revival (more than God just thawing out previous believers), but also a reformation (God birthing a whole new generation of believers). Of course every true revival of a Christian is also a reformation of a sphere of influence, and inevitably, a propagation of new converts. I believe the magnitude of this third Great Awakening is going to exceed the magnitude of the past two Great Awakenings combined. Global Warming is upon us, and God is heating things up; the Third Day sun is dawning, the resurrection day is beginning to break out. The veil, which hid the Presence of God, and which was already torn in two from top to bottom when Christ died for us about 2000 years ago, is just being realized today by many. Thank God for revelation; thank God for Global Warming!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:21:34 +0000

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