IBRAHIM NAGAR : THIS WAS THE REASON WHY NIGERIANS KNOW MAULAANAA SHEIKH ABDULLAAHI AHMAD MAIKANO JALLOO THAN GHANAIANS. MAULAANAA SHEIKH ABDULLAAHI AHMAD BADAWII MAIKANO JALLOO , become more popular to nigerians ,because it was nigerian who first discover the next successor of BAYE NIASS. and they also saw the heat of QUTUBAANIYA in him after his parents. in the year 1930s and 40s KANO STATE KING organise a special prayers (duau) for something very important for kano state and for himself.sheikh saaniis fathger was one of the great and prominent AWLIYAU LLAAH of nigeria.and they respect his views and opinions much .so after his death and burried in Ghana , SHEIKH SAANII became his successor.they respect him the same as his father. after all the awliyaau-llah came out of KHALWAH on what the king of kano seeking for. it was sheikh SAANII AWWALU who after caming out of KHALWAH, told the then king of kano state that our prayers can be acepted by ALLAH but on one condition.and the king asked him ,what is that condition ? he said there is one prominent sheikh i saw , and the MUSTAJAABA of this prayers (duau) we are seeking for is with him. we have to see him at all cost .1952 MAULAANAA SHEIKH IBRAHIIMA NIASS made a transit to ghana from ghana to nigeria ,when he was going to maccah to perform hajj.after arriving in nigeria - kano state .sheikh saanii awwalu told baye niass that the king of kano wants to meet you.and baye niass told sheikh saanii awwalu to tell the king that they should meet in maccah.truly they all met in maccah,and maulaanaa baye niass said to him your prayers have been answered , whene is about tell baye niass his request. the king requested that he wants BAYE NIASS to visit nigeria once again. and which BAYE NIASS granted him. After the hajj , maulaanaa sheikh ibrahiima niass visited nigeria ,and the kano king sent for the prominent and big awliyaau-llah of nigeria like SHEIKH ATIIQ ,SHEIKH JIBIREEMA , SHEIKH SAANII KAAFANGA and more, to come and see BAYE NIASS .And these awliyaau-llah asked themselves what again do we want from somebody ? or is there any knowledge do we want to aquired again ? well, let us go and leasten to him (baye niass ) .after leastening to him they found everything different and very strange from BAYE NIASS. After the gathering They all decided to pay a visit to BAYE NIASS . When they arrived in KAOLACK , BAYE NIASS received them with great respect. the arrived in the morning ,so in evening they all slept in the same room with MAULAANAA SHEIKH ABDULLAAHI MAIKANO JALLOO . the following morning they were all asking BAABA JALLOO is that what you are ?is that what you are ? we did not experct something like this from a young man like you, keep it up . ALLAH IS WITH YOU. years later in the middle and late 1960s MAULAANAA BAYE NIASS told BAABA JALLOO to go to nigeria for tour. so SHEIKH BAYE NIASS asked SHEIKH TAAHIRU BAUCHI to go together. the first visited kano state before they proceed to the other nigerian federal states . that is where all started . .... THAT WAS WHY MAULAANAA SHEIKH ABDULLAAHI MAIKANO JALLOO BECAME MORE POPULAR TO NIGERIANS .
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:56:29 +0000

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