IDPF VISION OF PEACE TERRORISM The French word Terrorism is derived from the Latin word terror meaning I frightened. In November 2004 a UN Secretary General’s report described terrorism as any act “intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians and non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling the government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act. Terrorism is defined as a political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror and psychic fear through violent victimization and destruction of non-combatant targets. Such acts are meant to send a message from an illicit clandestine organization. The purpose of terrorism is to exploit the media in order to achieve maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying force multiplier in order to influence the targeted audience in order to reach short and mid-term political goals and desired long-term goals. Terrorism acts frequently have a political purpose. Terrorism is a political tactic like letter writing or protesting which is used by activists when they believe no other method will effect he kind of change they desire this is often where the inter-relationship between terrorism and religion occur. When a political struggle is integrated into the framework of religious and cosmic struggle such as over the control of an ancestral homeland or holy site such as Israel and Jerusalem failing in the political goal becomes equated with spiritual failure which for the highly committed is worse than their own death and death of innocent civilians. Terrorism has many forms like Civil-disorder, Political terrorism, Non-political terrorism, quasi terrorism, Limited political terrorism, State terrorism, religious terrorism. RELIGIOUS TERRORISM Religious terrorism is terrorism performed by groups or individuals the motivation of which is typically rooted in faith based tenets. Terrorism acts throughout the century have been performed on religious with the hope to either spread or enforce a system of belief, viewpoint or opinion. Islamic terrorism, Jewish religious terrorism, Jihadi terrorism, Pakistan and state sponsored terrorism, Iran and state terrorism, US and state terrorism are common example of religious terrorism. Since 1795 during the Reign of terror in France to till date we have seen many terrorist activities throughout the world. It became frequent after 1850 when John Brown an abolitionist who advocated and practiced armed opposition to slavery in USA. In 1867 Irish Republican Brotherhood a revolutionary Irish Nationalist group carried out an attack in England it was a beginning in European terrorism. Middle East became the central point of terrorism in early 20th century following the Hebron massacre of 67 Jewish settlers in British mandate of Palestine. 1946 bombing of King David hotel in Jerusalem in which 91 people were killed initiated the era of terrorism in Middle East. Pakistan sponsored terrorism and Al-Qaida activities have sown the seeds of terrorism throughout Asia. Millions of people have been killed till date and millions of people are endangered to be killed by terrorism. IDPF vision is to vanish the terrorism and conflict and bring freedom/ peace and happiness among and within all nations and people. IDPF will work to resolve conflict without war or Crucifixion among the nations and people. We do all the best to bring peace and develop people to people contact and mutual understanding without any discrimination. Peace is achievable only if there is no longer conflict over resources and when there is no misunderstanding about religion and faith. Peace is a matter of inter-relationship between human beings. Peace can only be achieved through Non-Violence and Love. Our organization is working over peace for making the world a global home we do not believe in theory rather we believe in action we are decentralizing our volunteers to discharging their obligation for peace throughout the world. Imminent intellectuals, peace lovers, human right activists are researching over the topic of terrorism and peace to end global vandalism, terrorism, discrimination. Our organization is also trying out to find the vehicles of peace through which universal brotherhood can be formed.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 09:06:11 +0000

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