IF U WANT TO SUCCEED GREATLY…U MUST KNOW HOW TO CONNECT TO EVERYONE THAT U COME ACROSSS It was the final test for the award of their degree programme and the students had to sit for the final test that’s was to qualify them for an award,….to fail the test was to repeat the year of study… ..but it was not supposed to be, they were well groomed and considered to be the best of their class…..and being students of one of the most pretigous and expensive universities in the world notin else was expected of them but to pass this last test very well… They had all prepared so well for their final test….put in their best effort, a degree in Business Management from such a reputable university was a sure ticket to a successful career in life… ..the big firms were out there waiting for them to come out as they graduate with great honours as expected And the question papers were handed over to them…the students were all smiling as they received them….it was expected to be a walkover for bright ones like them But then sometin unusual that has never happened for years in the university started unfolding before the eyes of the examiners Two hours to the examination….no student had finished and submitted his script..with two minutes to go, the hall was quiet as the students were obviously sweatin even in the comfort of the hall The teachers were shocked because the questions were few and so simple! Question 1. You have been in this department for four years now…what is the full name of the two ladies that clean the hall? Question 2. One of the cleaners gave birth recently and she has been comin to work with her child…what is the boy’s name and how old is he? Question 3. Which part of the city does the college janitor that takes care of ur hostel stays? and is he married or not?..does he have children or not? Question 4. What is the name of the CEO of the company that supplies food to you for the past four years? ….…..the students all failed and had to repeat the final class… In the next year…..in their class lectures, the professor gave them a word of advice “you cannot go anywhere in life except u are able to take interest and connect to the people around…to the people u work with, those that work for u and those u meet everyday…..people will connect with u only when they know u value them…connecting to people is vital for anyone that wants to achieve success in life, it is essential for anyone who wants to build a true relationship…you will only reach to your full potential regardless of ur chosen path when u learn how to connect to people, and the ability to connect to people is the most important skill u need in life above ur talent and education…if u cant connect, u wont reach to full potential…u will be like a great power station that is not connected to the grid, full of energy but unable to be of use …talent is not enough, experience is not enough..to be leaders in the world u are going into, u must know how to connect to people…and that will only be possible when the people around u recognize that u are genuinely interested in them…. u cant build a relationship with everyone in the room when u don’t care about anyone in the room….people always like people that show they like them and ur ability to work with people will determine ur success in life” The next year ..they all passed out with flying colours… .five years after, over half of them were at the top of major business corporations in their field,……twenty years after, they had forty percent of their class running amongst the top businesses in the country,… .they never forgot the lesson they got in school…
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 16:50:07 +0000

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