*IF YOU FEEL OFFENDED BY THIS POST - PLEASE DELETE ME!* For the life of me... I cant believe I still meet women who dont go and have regular pap smears done and couldnt care less about it. The only reason Im posting this, is because I have had a cervical cancer scare in the past. Im very lucky it was caught in time, because it had developed to a more advanced stage and the abnormal cells removed. If I chose to ignore it, then I wouldnt be here writing this status. Since then Ive been on annual check ups for a few years. Well today I received a letter to inform me that my latest pap smear was all clear and I can now go back to having a pap smear every 2 years. This is a huge relief for me because that thought is always in the back of my mind about whether they will find cancer cells because of my past history. I know I go on about health issues but thats because its important to me - ALL YOU WOMEN are important to me! All my sisters, aunties, nieces, cousins and girlfriends please look after your health. Its important to discuss these things, be proactive and encourage each other to do the same. There is no shame in going to have a pap smear. Bottom line - If its good enough to jump on ya back and throw ya legs up in the air for a man then its more important to do the same for a pap smear! #sayingitcosIloveyou!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:43:15 +0000

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