IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW SUFFERS FROM FIBROMYALGIA, ANGELAS TESTIMONY IS A MUST READ!! I Know Its Long But Well Worth It!! Ive been meaning to add my Plexus testimony. I guess I havent because I have the hardest time summing everything up. I have spent a couple of months now trying to figure out how to boil it all down to some bite size take away facts... and its just hard. I have (had??) a lot wrong with me. At the time of writing this Ive just turned 38. Officially , I have Fibromyalgia and more than a couple auto-immune disorders. Despite always having some health issues, even as a kid, I was a happy person, a positive and motivated person who depended primarily on herself. A young military wife, I raised 2 girls and went to college while my husband was deployed. Post military, I had our 3rd child at age 30. In that time I proved to myself that I could do anything and everything and the idea of quit just didnt exist in my vocabulary. I realized, belatedly, that I have done myself a huge disservice by creating the impression that I could keep going endlessly, never speaking of my growing fatigue. Maybe for some this game can go on for many decades. For me it lasted 15 years. And then, my immune system went crazy. Truth be told, most of my symptoms were showing themselves in different ways for years prior. But for the sake of simplicity Ill start off where my problems became overwhelming. I like to joke that I was so tough that the only thing that could kick my ass was me. (Auto-immune joke...) And thats what happened. I hit a wall, and my former life of rarely seeing the doctors and hardly ever even popping a tylenol became a whirlwind of doctors, specialists, testing, and medications. In the beginning I was like Dorothy in Oz, just trying to take in all that was before me and trying to piece together a new reality. I didnt know then that there would come a day when I felt myself struggling against turning totally bitter. In August and September of 2013 at age 37, thats where I was. By that time I was doing the bare minimum and even that was difficult. I was tired of everything and tired of myself. But I couldnt fix it! I had done everything right, and yet there I was, struggling day in and day out just to function. Conversely, during the early phase of my illnesses taking over, I had attempted to keep life going on all cylinders and not let my household feel the brunt of all that I was dealing with. But because I had chosen to suffer in silence, those closest to me didnt have any visual cues yet as to how bad it was. Due to the fact that I HATE attention, I just kept it all stuffed as deep as possible and tried to not make a stink. I wanted people to sense my pain. I have now learned that people generally cant-- and so if were going to fake being ok to do everything we better be prepared that they are going to expect us to do everything. Clearly this was the road to disaster for me. The intensity of fatigue & pain went through the roof. I had many different issues hitting me any given day. I honestly cant list everything. My feet hurt horribly, I had the hardest time walking on them... My wrists would give out while I was trying to push a grocery cart, I couldnt squeeze the dishrag without sending pain up my wrists, my hands ached non stop, my knees, my hips... you name it. And I was exhausted. I was more tired when I woke up than when I went to sleep from the mental stress of waking up in so much stiffness and pain, and because I knew every day it was going to take me HOURS to work through that at a painfully slow pace, before I could feel closer to my age rather than 90. I have a 1st grader. ....This was not the kind of mommy I had been to his big sisters. They had always gotten hot breakfasts and a cheerful attitude. My son, this joyful, amazing and loving kid, just got the short end of the stick BIG TIME. And it truly devastated me. It still hurts my heart. Because I was too tired for almost everything, and that which I did was done by faking it 90% of the time. It hurt to THINK by the end of the day much less read at bedtime. I did it... most of the time. But my joy was missing simply because I was trying to breathe, and exists through the fatigue and pain. I was physically ,emotionally depleted daily ~ and for someone who hasnt experienced that there is no way to explain how horrible it feels. It started to really make me angry. When a person cant get a break and cant escape from such overwhelming stuff, it can lead to anger. I was at a terrible place in Sept 2013. My medications werent working and in fact it turned out I was allergic to the only one that seemed to have been able to give me a reprieve for part of each day. So during withdrawal stage from that med, I saw one random post on facebook from my friend Kim W. about Probio5. Ive been pretty organic & used supplements regularly for decades but had never heard of this one. I felt like I always saw Kims posts, [Ambassadors, I want to reinforce how important it is to keep telling your story and others stories, without ceasing, because believe it or not people arent seeing as many of your posts as youd think] I hadnt known she was selling anything... so of course I looked into it. Hours later I had watched every video and read everything I could get my hands on and then messaged Kim with the words sign me up. The testimonies made me hopeful that I wasnt totally out of luck. I had been thinking I was going to have *no* pain relief for the rest of my life, given that nothing my rheumatologist had tried had worked, or if it had, I was allergic! So these little sparks of hope grew that day. My expectations? That there was a natural way to reduce some inflammation and take the edge off. The reality? My products arrived and my entire life changed. I am OK. I feel good- I feel amazing. I wake up like a normal 38 year old mom of 3. I do NOT hurt hardly ever. My brain fog and sadness is GONE for good. Oh, and I have not taken one single prescription medication since the day I started Plexus. All of this - 100% of it- is a result of Plexus alone. Having a life where I wake up and feel capable and go to bed feeling capable? Miraculous. Its something I dont take for granted, ever. I just keep telling people that even if they dont have these issues, I guarantee someone they know does! I am typing this out right now not for personal financial gain but because I, like all of these other individuals who do the same, have seen what is on the other side of that skepticism and we WANT everyone else to get here too. ~blessings of continued good health to all of you. keep it up!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:19:16 +0000

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