IM NOT CRYING ANYMORE :0), I CAN THINK BETTER, INCHES ARE GONE, IM WEARING A SMALLER SIZE, BEST OF ALL I FEEL LIKE A $1,000,000 BUCKS! I DONT FEEL LIKE A CHUNKY MONKEY ANYMORE, I HAVE SELF ESTEEM AGAIN, AND I WEAR A SMILE NOW INSTEAD OF A SCOWL....Its no quick fix but for me it has been a lifestyle fix! Make this Christmas season be the last season of unhealthy for you and your family. It was this time last year that I began taking a closer look at these products. I had been watching my friend Leona Bryson for several months. I watched her literally change before my very eyes. I saw her go from a shy, normal, seemingly average small town gal to a radiant, vibrant, outgoing, inspirational, glowing, beautiful, completely out of the ordinary individual. In seeing her transformation I knew I could that too... ultimately I just wanted to lose weight but other issues were going on within me that became far more important than losing a few pounds. I was sad, depressed, crying ALL the time, angry when I wasnt bauling, body aches and pains were overtaking me and sugar was my enemy and my addiction. I had to do something but I had no money so it was only a dream until after the first of the year I had my eye on the prize and wanted it badly. I wanted the same glow I saw in Leona and I was going to get it somehow, so tax return time was the only opportunity that I knew of to be able to get it so I went on suffering eating my nightly Monster Cookie from the local bakery which consisted of a giant sugar cookie with an upside down cupcake covered with the most beautiful vibrantly colored delicious buttercream icing decorated in the form of an actual cute monster shaped treat. The more sugar I ate the more unhealthy and unstable I became. I can laugh about it now but my poor family had to endure my ups and downs right along with me. I can feel sorry for them now but then they just all got on my last nerve! Once I finally made the leap I went all in. Give me everything there is thats gonna make me overall feel better and once I had the funds to be able to make the purchase in March of this year (2014) it was the greatest most wise decision I ever made. I have not regretted that decision one time. Ive now lost 26 lbs, Im not crying anymore, I have a whole new outlook on this thing called life. Friends, it was so bad prior to starting the Plexus Slim drink that I was so intensely torn up on the inside, I punched out the windshield in my car then promptly went upstairs to my bedroom and picked up an old style flat screen 42 inch probably about a 75 pound television set and threw it out my bedroom window! I felt like the incredible hulk. When I say it was bad Im telling you I was absolutely positively NOT OK. Within 3 days after I started drinking the Plexus Slim drink I DID NOT have one craving for anything sweet. I was amazed. Sugar was literally killing body, my mind, and my spirit....not to mention my poor family. I wasnt crying at the drop of a hat and my anger was subsiding! I took the Slim drink for 2 weeks then started taking the Pro Bio 5 and the Bio Cleanse, a month later I added the xfactor which I believe is the most awesome vitamin thats ever been made. Within 6 weeks i had lost 14 lbs and although I felt better I didnt really notice a huge difference til one day at work I got the bright idea to take a selfie and compare it to a picture I had taken before starting the drink and my jaw fell to the floor in amazement, it was crazy to see the MAJOR difference in my once pudgy swollen little face....Only with the comparison of those pics would I ever have been able to SEE the transformation that was actually really taking place, TO ME; to think if I had not taken those two pictures I mightve given up, because yes, I wanted to feel better but seeing is believing, AND seeing is inspiring. When you look at your own face and notice for yourself that its shrinking....theres no denying that what i had started was working. I can tell you true that I am a changed person and I believe with my whole heart that God himself handed Plexus to me as my life changing, life altering solution to what was going on in my body. It was my catalyst to get me headed in a better direction. It hasnt all come easy and its been a slow process in comparison to the quick fix mentality of the world we live in today. Honestly, I havent even started exercising yet but i keep telling myself Im going to (and I will eventually). :0) I have simply allowed the products to do what they do, along with listening to my body. Instead of wanting for sugar I craved good for you stuff and cognitively including water into my diet. (that simply means I had to think about and make myself drink the water). I HATED drinking water but water has truly been the key to unlocking the benefits of these products. Im 8 months in and I truly dont know what shape I would be in now if I hadnt have been following my friend on Facebook. Please feel free to message me if youre in a similar place in your life that I was in a year ago. I was absolutely desperate and I found what has proven to be the solution to my sufferings. If my story has inspired you and you have the true desire to just feel better like I did, please feel free to message me, email me at riverrock101@gmail and leave me your phone number if youd like to talk more about the results Ive experienced. There is no hard sell, I believe in the products because of what theyve done for me. I enjoy telling my story and explaining the benefits of the products if you are interested in buying them youll have to ask, I will not ever push anyone into spending money for my benefit. Plexus is incredible. Im simply here to be an encouragement to you in your life and if youre ready to be happier and healthier than you are now, contact me or you can go straight to my website and research the ingredients, see all the benefits Plexus has to offer or go ahead and shop for your products youll find pricing and more information than you could read in a day on there. The products are all there for the taking at plexusslim/lookup [if you need it my ambassador # is 244630] there is also an extremely encouraging Tuesday night phone call that you can anonymously call and listen in real time to others giving their testimonials of how using Plexus has changed their say the least the phone calls are way beyond inspirational.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:48:10 +0000

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