IM TOTALLY SICKENED BY THE COMMENTS, BLOGS AND ARTICLES, IN JUSTIFICATION OF RELIGIOUS / IDEOLOGICAL / THEOCRATIC ACTS OF VIOLENCE, against western-white-cultural-imperialists etc, today in the aftermath of the killing of our Femen colleagues at #CharlieHebdo. Im seeing an impressive amount of victim-blaiming. People on the net are apparently creatively inspired to defend the ones who took the life of 12 people, or even to indulge in conspiracy-theories. Conspiracy-theories I had enough of against Femen and I know from personal experience what a pile of bullshit this mostly is, and friends, Im taking you away from my flow together with those links, because I dont want to realize that I actually have friends who encourage this, as the conspiracy-stories Ive seen so far are utterly lame. Yes, reality can be strange, full of coincidences, and actually more weird than your perfect theories. I WANT TO LEAVE THIS FRENSY PLACE TO NOT SEE MORE OF HUMAN BLOODTHIRSTINESS, but I cant because there are people depending on our voices no matter how much you call me/us western-white-cultural-imperialists, as people who fight for freedom exist in all cultures, and Raif Badawi is one of them and we should be there for him yesterday, today and tomorrow: #RaifBadawi!!!!!!! A Saudi blogger who was sentenced last May to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes will be publicly flogged for the first time after Friday prayers outside a mosque in the Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah, according to a person close to his case. Raif Badawi was sentenced on charges related to accusations that he insulted Islam on a liberal online forum he had created. He was also ordered by the Jeddah criminal court to pay a fine of 1m Saudi riyals, or about $266,000. theguardian/world/2015/jan/08/saudi-arabia-blogger-raif-badawi-public-flogging Charlie Akbar! Freedom Akbar! Raif Akbar! Femen Akbar. One more thing! All those comments where were you when journalists were murdered in non-western cultures!? Well I wasnt silent or ignorant about it so check your facts. And leave me out of the western versus non-versus creation you made up.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:07:34 +0000

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