IMMIGRATION Minister Scott Morrison has signalled that Australia - TopicsExpress


IMMIGRATION Minister Scott Morrison has signalled that Australia is about to cut a deal with Cambodia to resettle refugees now in Nauru. It comes after both Nauru and Papua New Guinea determined the refugee status of some asylum-seekers sent to each country by Australian authorities. Mr Morrison is adamant the resettlement of refugees cant solely belong to a club of first-world economies, like Australia. “It will be a very positive and enduring legacy of what has been frankly a shameful episode on our borders,” he said, telling reporters today of a likely deal with Cambodia. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says refugees will help rebuild the struggling Asian nation. “Theyre looking for people who are able-bodied who would be able to contribute to Cambodian society,” she said. The kingdom is one of the poorest nations in the region and is still recovering from civil war. There also are concerns about internal government corruption, a worry rejected by Mr Morrison. “If that were true we should immediately cancel the almost $80 million in aid we provide to Cambodia,” he said. Thirteen asylum-seekers, assessed as refugees, have been released into the Nauru community. Seven others had their claims rejected while 21 more are waiting for a decision to be handed down today. Its understood the refugees will be resettled temporarily on Nauru with five-year visas. Children will attend a Catholic school and families will receive care packages. Refugees will have access to language classes, training, health care, work rights and a living allowance at local standards. In PNG, 11 asylum seekers have received positive decisions with 15 denied. Nauru’s Justice Minister David Adeang added that his country was “ready to welcome our new guests and we have put in place a ‘buddy system’ to help them integrate into island life”.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 06:28:40 +0000

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