IMPORTANT: Youve all seen a lot of posts and petitions from me on - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT: Youve all seen a lot of posts and petitions from me on saving wolves. Many of you understand why I am so passionate about the way this species is being threatened with extinction by idiots like Governor Otter of Idaho who want to exterminate them all, abetted by Wildlife Services (boy, are those names ironic). Some understand how essential the wolf is to the environment and its ecosystems, others simply dont want to see a magnificent species hunted down, killed by inhumane traps, gassed in its dens, dying in pain after being poisoned. In other words, those who get it do so for two reasons: kindness toward other species and understanding the role of that species in the world that God created. But I also know that many dont really care all that much, if at all. How, you may wonder, does the wolf impact your life, your existence, America and the world? If wolves disappeared, youd still have the NFL, your favorite tv shows, iPhones and music, your grandchildren, your job. At most, it would be a shame, but thats about it. I have friends who dont get it and think that this is just Bobs love of animals, admirable but not important to them. The amount of wildlife on the planet has been cut in half over the past 40 years, and it doesnt seem to affect them, so what the hell? Academics in particular dont seem to get it either. For some reason, I would expect more from them, but many of them are buried in their own small areas of a discipline and cant relate to something like this. As some of you know, one of my two closest friends in the world came up for tenure in the Purdue University English Department with a stunning 500-page book on wolves and a teaching award every year, and was denied tenure and driven out of the profession because a small group of cultural studies ideologues couldnt grasp that a major book on wolves had any relevance to them--not the sort of relevance that their little disposable monographs on [pick a topic that interests 200 people] has. In short, why should the protection of wolves matter specifically to YOU? How is the continuance of this species important to YOU? How can I appeal to your SELF-INTEREST? I could tell you to buy and read S.K. Kip Robischs book on the wolf, but I know you probably dont have time to read a 500-page book. So here is a brief, fascinating 4 and 1/2 minute video that explains to you why wolves should matter to you, how apex predators are essential to ecosystems and to all of us. I hope youll watch it. Its both mesmerizing and informative. If it moves you to do so, please scroll down 6 posts and sign the petition to the Secretary of Agriculture to stop the extermination of the wolves of the Great Northwest. Thanks for listening. youtube/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:34:46 +0000

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