IN A 1998 PBS FRONTLINE DOCUMENTARY OF THE TWO NATIONS OF BLACK AMERICA, RENOWN BLACK LEADERS LIKE DR. HENRY LOUIS GATES, AND DR. CORNEL WEST WERE CALLED UPON FOR THEIR INSIGHTFUL COMMENTS ON THE TOPIC---AS A BLACK MILITANT AND BLACK SEPARATIST WITH MY OWN INSIGHTFUL COMMENTS TO INCLUDE THIS YEAR OF NOVEMBER 2013, PLEASE ALLOW ME THIS OPPORTUNITY OF TAKING YOU TO THE FRONTLINE WITH UNTOLD TRUTH First, in acknowledging the faith for which I come to speak truth upon benefiting all humankind, I come before you as chosen by the Gods of Nature to deliver a message directed at solving the worlds problems as a preserver, and protector. A sacred assignment destined by those known to be The Chosen People of this Earth. While I was reading through the various comments on the topic of The two Nations of Black America, I thought to myself, well why waste so much energy by whipping something to death that has already met death long ago. I ask, why vacillate the issues of race, ethnicity, and class in America without the answers of action(s) to solve them. What Im saying is that when your Slavemaster has a Choke Collar around your neck, youd dare not speak a tongue of truthful facts knowing the consequences. In other words, those who spoke in regards to commenting, where speaking without the whole truth, because political ramification were in place forewarning them of failing to remain silent. Therefore, it is incumbent upon someone such as myself, a Black Militant, to give you factual truth. I come before you with a dedication law enforcement/public safety spanning 23 years, which enabled me to perfect my skills at better understanding environments of human interaction as a Humanist/Anthropologist. Included among those years of dedication toward examining race, ethnicity, and class behavior in America, I had the unique opportunity of working for three different police agencies, and a mix of community settings to include one being all White. In getting started, YOU ARE BY DESIGN OF AMERICAS GOVERNING SYSTEM FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF ITS TIME, A SLAVE TO LABORING OF WEALTH PRIMARILY FOR ANOTHER. Because of the very structural nature of our governing system to sustain, and maintain a hierarchal process of empowering a very powerful few at the top, and lessening such empowerment down below among the masses, the predation of such structural means to accumulate wealth has gone viral. As a result, when we speak of the Black upper, middle, and lower classes in America, we must also be honest about that very same behavior of predation being an instrumental part of our failure to rise as Black people in America. I ask, have you not questioned why do you (Black People)seem to be caught-up in a revolving cycle of racial controversy without a definitive solution to either drastically reduce the problem, or completely eliminate it? I mean, every time you look up, Black people are speaking out about some sort of an injustice that seems to never be effectively dealt with. And, along with it, it seems to never fail that Black prominent leadership of some kind are fanning the flames of controversy. All of a sudden guess whos garnering the most publicized attention with marketable means of economic opportunity? BLACK POLITICAL MEANINGLESS CONTROVERSY THAT DOESNT EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH THE PROBLEM IS AN INSTRUMENT OF GANGSTERING THE MASSES OF PEOPLE. THE SOLUTION FOR BLACK PEOPLE: First, multi-cultural To Be Completed.....
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 23:09:59 +0000

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