IN AS MUCH AS YE DID IT NOT TO ONE OF THESE... This mass of - TopicsExpress


IN AS MUCH AS YE DID IT NOT TO ONE OF THESE... This mass of humanity are refugees in their home state. They have been given a very beautiful and catchy name: Internally Displaced People. For short, theY have come to be referred to with a very cute abbreviation: IDPs. As beautiful as the term is, it only means law-abiding, hardworking and very productive citizens who, for no justification, were assaulted and chased out of their ancestral homes. These people had their kin slaughtered like cattle, whole families burnt in huts or wiped out with the use of chemicals, harvested food crops either totally destroyed or fed to cattle, walls knocked down, crops in the farms grazed by cattle, and these, the ones that managed to survive, sought refuge under trees, in churches, classrooms and anywhere they could find space. It is also interesting that the very people that committed these atrocities, the Fulani Cattle Herdsmen are still freely driving their cattle and grazing them in the ancestral farmlands of these refugees and all a government agent, their own politically elected government, can tell them is that HE HAS GONE ROUND AND INTERACTED WITH THE FULANIS, THAT THE TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT HERDSMEN ARE GONE! Who are THE TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT HERDSMEN? How does one differentiate between TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT HERDSMEN and peaceful and loving herdsmen? WHO ARE THESE TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT HERDSMEN? WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? WHO FACILITATED THEIR COMING? DO THE peaceful and loving HERDSMEN KNOW THESE TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT HERDSMEN AND WHERE THEY HAVE MOVED TO? WHERE WERE THESE LOVING AND NEIGHBORLY ONES WHEN THE VIOLENT ONES WERE CARRYING OUT A SYSTEMATIC GENOCIDE AGAINST THESE INNOCENT CITIZENS TURNED REFUGEES IN THEIR OWN STATE? WHAT DID THESE LOVING AND FRIENDLY HERDSMEN DO TO PROTECT THE LIVES OF THEIR BENEFACTORS (UPON WHOSE LANDS THEY FREELY GRAZE THEIR CATTLE) WHEN THEY WERE BEING WIPED OUT? THEY WERE GRAZING THEIR CATTLE PEACEFULLY ON THESE SAME FARMLANDS WHEN THE REAL OWNERS OF THE LANDS WERE BEING KILLED AND DRIVEN OUT. THEY CONTINUED TO GRAZE THEIR CATTLE PEACEFULLY AFTER THE FARMERS WERE COMPLETELY ROUTED OUT AND THE TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT FULANIS OCCUPIED THE LANDS. THEY HAVE CONTINUED TO GRAZE THEIR CATTLE AFTER THESE TROUBLESOME AND VIOLENT ONES ARE GONE! Obviously, Benue must be occupied by people with peanut-sized brains! This is unacceptable coming from a government that should have been more proactive to nip this matter in the bud in the first instance. Or did the Fulani also cast a spell upon our elected leaders? Meanwhile, the Fulani that sacked these people from their ancestral homes and occupied them are being promised the necessary amenities that will help them settle down in a sedentary life in the 36 states and the FCT by the Federal Government! But as it stands, there is no known effort by the Federal Government to investigate and bring to book the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against humanity. Is our government trying to show by its actions (or inaction) that MIGHT IS RIGHT? Do the peoples of the Middle Belt need to band up into a Regional Militia that will make the country ungovernable so as to be heard and taken seriously? Has it become old-fashioned to be, not just law-abiding, but productive, seeing that Benue State is the indisputable food Basket of the Nation, and that most of the staples that the entire nation depends on is a product of the back-breaking peasant effort of these hard working peoples, who have largely been neglected by their government, even in the area of Agriculture? Is it not impressive that though government, both at the Federal and State level, has neglected these people and their farming heritage by refusing to empower them with modern techniques of farming, yet with the archaic tools that their forefathers used thousands of years ago, they still manage to feed 180 Million people in the 21st Century? It is totally wrong and condemnable that Mr. Adikpo Agbatse, an agent of Government should, with the backing of the government he represents, compel and arm-twist these hapless people to return to their settlements that have been totally destroyed without an adequate rehabilitation plan. It is also totally unforgivable that despite all the other failures, even facilitating their movement by providing sufficient transportation could not be done. It is public knowledge that whole settlements have been destroyed, walls knocked down and harvest barns either burnt or vandalized. Above all, with the aggressive Fulani still moving about freely, without adequate and appreciable security arrangements, a housing and feeding plan since the rains have come and the barns are gone, empowerment for the farming season since their very seeds for the season have been destroyed, it may amount to aiding and abetting the perpetrators of the initial genocide in their ethnic cleansing agenda if these IDPs are compelled to go back home just like that. These people might as well be sent to their graves without a coffin. 2015 is next door. The elections will soon be here. Campaigning is beginning to enter top gear. The whole country, nay, the whole world is watching to see the amoral politicians that will summon blind courage to ask these peoples and those watching for votes. The best form of campaign is to do the right thing, and to do it now! Above all, God is watching from heaven, and He will definitely demand accounts. I hear Him already saying: Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of these... Ye did it not to me!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:59:45 +0000

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