IN DEFENSE OF THE BNF IMAGE- RICHARD KHUMOEKAE STOP IT! This response is triggered by an unpalatable, unfortunate and irresponsible article penned by a disgruntled fellow who lost elections in the just ended BNFYL elections in Thamaga. This fellow happens to be none other than the motor mouth Richard Khumoekae. His article heavily loaded with diatribe depicts the BNF in a state of chaos and in bad shape especially in conducting internal elections. This misrepresentation by Khumoekae must be out rooted at first instance. In his article, he over exaggerates his self-worth by referring to himself as my “master” and pretends to possess heavenly wisdom about the processes and regulations of the BNF yet he is a political chancer and novice! I do not intend to attack Mr. Khumoekae as he did in his article but to defend the image of the BNF which he highly compromise and disregard in his article. Firstly it must be known that his entire article can be summarized in one expression- post election trauma. The delegates have spoken and elected a leadership which is capable, not meaning that those who lost were not capable. It is just that there cannot be two Secretary Generals. Khumoekae blatantly and shamelessly writes that chaos erupted at the congress and that they were instances were violence was imminent. If that is the truth, which is not, why Mr. Khumoekae derives pleasure from such an eyesore? Why does he hang the linen of the party in the public gallery? I have always known that Mr. Khumoekae likes media attention but I have never imagined that he will satisfy his thirst for fame and attention at the expense of the BNF, which he purport to love and admire. One need not be a political scientist to sense that the BNF image is on an onslaught, a sustained one for that matter from the venomous article by Mr. Khumoekae. I have a problem with comrades who will cry at the top of their voice and allege “systematic rigging’’ whenever they have lost elections. He chose to be dramatic as ever by making scandalous allegations attacking the party secretariat that they produced ghost membership cards to facilitate rigging. Who is Khumoekae to demand an overhaul of the party secretariat? In his emotive article, he alleges a “highly clandestine Friday meeting” which mandated me to rig elections against him! Mr. Khumoekae deliberately forgets two things to satisfy his penchant of assassinating my political character. Firstly, I was not a delegate at the Thamaga Congress, secondly the Congress mandated me to be part of the electoral board on Sunday at around 0200 AM. If Congress mandated me in that capacity on Sunday then how could I have been mandated in the Friday meeting, which Mr. Khumoekae alleges to rig elections? If Mr. Khumoekae understood the processes of the BNF, as he claims he should have lunched a formal internal complaint with the Leadership of the party to address all concerns regarding the elections and not running to media houses for redress. Internal party issues are not for public consumption! His article has little regard for the newly elected BNFYL. If he wants the truth, the truth is that he lost in a fairly contested election which had its own imperfections like any election and the elections produced a legitimate Youth Leadership duly elected by Congress. He need not console himself by behaving like a fault-finder who is on a political frolic of his own. Like Mr. Khumoekae correctly states, the BNF is the overall winner. Let us preserve the party image and post-election trauma/stress should not compromise it. If dubious characters like Mr. Khumoekae are not addressed here and now they will bleed the party to death with unfounded allegations which soil the good name of the BNF. Cde. Kago Mokotedi. (UB-SRC PRESIDENT, writing in his personal capacity)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:05:06 +0000

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