IN EVERY ANGLE, YOU CANT EXONERATE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Dayo Dennis writes: Lets look at the whole thing from another perspective when general azazi prepare to reveal the name of the people behind boko haram before he could present his findings we all know what happened to him up till today no investigation was carried out to unravel the mystery behind his untimely termination, Yusuf the former leader of boko haram when he agreed to talk he was shot at the back , the police claim he tried to escaped how can A man that is handcuffed amidst hundred of Dss and police escape ? but due to our sentiment we refuse to query all this things , some of the attack that was carried out even though we are not there we read from the news that jtf and army are always few miles away from the point of attack and each time it happen and the officers are been questioned the response we got is that they have the order from above to leave the post before the attack. Who is this person from above ? We are not in the military but we do watch foreign documentary about terrorist and their sponsor I think this blood sucking God forsaking boko haram have a strong sponsor in government and God in his mighty power will reveal all that is hiding soon the blood of innocent Nigerian will never go unavenged. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, NIGERIANS MUST SPEAK OUT!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:39:19 +0000

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