IN GOD’S OWN APPOINTED WAY: “I have tried in the fear of God - TopicsExpress


IN GOD’S OWN APPOINTED WAY: “I have tried in the fear of God to set before his people their danger and their sins; and have endeavored to the best of my feeble powers to arouse them. I have stated startling things, which, if they had believed, would have caused them distress and terror, and led them to zeal in repenting of their sins and iniquities. I have stated before them that, from what was shown me, but a small number of those now professing to believe the truth, would eventually be saved—not because they cannot be saved, but because THEY WILL NOT BE SAVED IN GOD’S OWN APPOINTED WAY. THE WAY MARKED OUT BY OUR DIVINE LORD WAS TOO NARROW AND THE GATE TOO STRAIT to admit them with their grasp upon the word, or while cherishing selfishness, or any corruption. All these there was no room for, and there are but few who will consent to part with these things, that they may pass the narrow way, and enter the strait gate. “The words of Christ have been plain and positive: ‘Agonize to enter in at the strait gate; for many I say unto you shall seek to enter in and shall not be able.’ Professed Christians are not all so at heart. There are sinners in Zion now, as there were anciently. Isaiah speaks of them in referring to THE DAY OF GOD: ‘The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from the holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil. He shall dwell on high; his defense shall be the munitions of rocks; bread shall be given him, his waters shall be sure.’ “These are hypocrites now who will tremble when they obtain a view of themselves. Their own vileness will terrify them in THE DAY OF GOD which is soon to come upon us, WHEN the Lord ‘cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.’ Oh! that terror may now get hold upon them, that they may have a vivid sense of their condition, and arouse while there is mercy and hope, confess their sins, and humble their souls greatly before God, that he may pardon their transgressions, and heal their backslidings. THE PEOPLE OF GOD ARE UNREADY FOR THE FEARFUL, TRYING SCENES BEFORE US, UNREADY TO STAND PURE FROM EVIL AND LUST AMID THE PERILS AND CORRUPTIONS OF THIS DEGENERATE AGE.” Pamphlets 11, 10, 11 [emphasis added]. “IN EVERY STAGE OF THIS EARTH’S HISTORY GOD HAS HAD HIS AGENCIES TO CARRY FORWARD HIS WORK, WHICH MUST BE DONE IN HIS APPOINTED WAY. John the Baptist had A SPECIAL WORK, for which he was born and TO WHICH HE WAS APPOINTED,—the work of PREPARING the way of the Lord. . . . “IN THIS AGE, just prior to the second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, God calls for MEN WHO WILL PREPARE A PEOPLE TO STAND IN THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD. Just such a work as that which John did, is to be carried on in these days. THE LORD IS GIVING MESSAGES TO HIS PEOPLE, THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTS HE HAS CHOSEN, AND HE WOULD HAVE ALL HEED THE ADMONITIONS AND WARNINGS HE SENDS. The message preceding the public ministry of Christ was, Repent, publicans and sinners; repent, Pharisees and Sadducees; ‘for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ OUR MESSAGE IS NOT TO BE ONE OF PEACE AND SAFETY. As a people who believe in Christ’s soon appearing, we have a definite message to bear,—‘PREPARE to meet thy God.’” Southern Watchman, March 21, 1905 [emphasis added].
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:42:36 +0000

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