IN-HOUSE SPIRITUAL VIOLENCE By Pastor Adeniyi Daniel on Tuesday, - TopicsExpress


IN-HOUSE SPIRITUAL VIOLENCE By Pastor Adeniyi Daniel on Tuesday, 07/15/14 (afternoon session) Song: All other “gods”, they are the works of men. You are the only “God”, there is none like you! Song: Halleluiah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! Halleluiah, Halleluiah, praise the Lord! There’s a way to win our battles. A church member who had cancer died after much prayers and THREE trips to India for surgery. I then asked God “Is there a point of no return where you can do nothing?” “What can we ALWAYS do when faced with a terrible crisis that will guarantee favorable results?” Then God gave me the following answer: Luke 11:1-end {READ THE ENTIRE BIBLE PASSAGE FOR A FULL UNDERSTANDING} In the scripture illustrated above, at midnight a man went to a FRIEND to ask for bread for his guest (intercession). But this FRIEND was reluctant to oblige giving flimsy excuses such as: Don’t trouble me. The door is shut. My children are with me in bed. I cannot rise up and answer you. Luke 11:7 And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. Jesus said even if he does not answer you just STAY THERE!!! Beloved, you can pressurize God to say “yes”. God tells us to produce our cause and bring him our strong reasons. He said “concerning my the work of my hands, command ye me” (Isaiah 45:11). You can have the impossible. Terrible situations can change IF YOU WILL STAY THERE. You can say to God “I will keep singing your praises until you either heal me or kill me!!!” Song: Who is the Lord that answereth by fire? You are the Lord Jehovah that answereth by fire! It was Jesus himself that was using this parable to tell us not to take “no” for an answer. Each of those four flimsy excuses could be argued as follows: Why should I not trouble you? Am I not your child? Why did you shut the door when I had not returned home? Am I not one of your children that should be in bed with you? Why can’t you rise and attend to me??? Beloved, all four of those excuses are invalid and irrelevant. JUST STAY THERE AND CONTINUE TO KNOCK!!! Luke 11:8 I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. Because of his importunity he will rise and give him. The rule of the game is “JUST STAY THERE”!!! In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus kept praying the same prayer over and over again until God sent an angel to strengthen him. Beloved, in desperate situations, sing one song to God until he gives you your heart’s desires. Song: Lord, you are so good! Lord, you so good! Lord, you are sooooo good, you are SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! Lord, you are so good! Lord, you so good! Lord, you are sooooo good, you are SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! Lord, you are so good! Lord, you so good! Lord, you are sooooo good, you are SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! Brethren, there’s a way to pressurize God. He (God) can rise for you because of the pressure of “staying there”. I’m here to announce to you that God has come in this Power Explosion program to RISE UP FOR YOU!!! This man asked for three loaves but because of his persistence and resilience he got more than what he asked for. Beloved, GOD CAN DO MORE THAN WHAT YOU ASKED FOR!!! Song: I didn’t know you will honor me this way! I didn’t know you will honor me this way o! I didn’t know you will honor me this way, you will honor me this way, thank you Jesus! We serve a Father that can answer all our prayers. After Herod killed James, he proceeded to capture Peter. But prayer was made WITHOUT CEASING by the church for Peter. It’s no wonder that God sent an angel to Peter in prison to release him. Brethren, that is the power of “STAYING THERE”!!! The church may have been singing songs to God like: Song: All we are saying is “GIVE US PETER!” All we are saying is “GIVE US PETER!” All we are saying is “GIVE US PETER!” All we are saying is “GIVE US PETER!” I’m quite sure James was present in heaven with God when God sent an angel to release Peter. I’m also sure that he (James) must’ve queried God asking why he didn’t send an angel to deliver him from Herod. Jesus must’ve told him it was because his brethren did not pray for him the way they prayed for Peter!!! In our illustrated scripture in Luke 11, it was the master himself (Jesus) teaching us how to ask his father (God) since he knows him very well. In desperate prayers there is no room for courtesy. The man illustrated in Luke 11 was pressurizing God “FOR A FRIEND”. You also can do the same for your brethren. There is someone you know who needs you to pray for them the way you pray for yourself. They may not know the God you serve or they may know him but still need the power of your persistent fervent prayers over them. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon said he had seen an evil under the sun where servants were riding on horses and princes on dry land! Beloved, some are married with no children! Some are of marriageable age with all the right statistics yet no one is looking at them! There will be much more miracles in the church if the people who can get to God are praying for others as much as they pray for themselves. Brethren, that “midnight friend” in Luke 11 represents the many souls we need to pray for! When you pray for them, God will send an angel to “Peter” in “prison”. The church prayed WITHOUT CEASING. They stayed in the place of prayer. He that seeketh findeth; he that knocketh, it shall be open unto him. I personally know of a couple whose baby was born with a hole in her heart. The doctors asked them for two million for operation and they did not have it. And so they decided that though they didn’t have two million, they had two mouths and would pray. And so they started praying every night from 12am – 2am for six months. On the day that marked the sixth month, they noticed the baby very energetic trying to get out of her crib. When they returned to the doctors, the hole had disappeared as if it was never there!!! DURING THIS POWER EXPLOSION PROGRAM, YOU WILL SEE GOD STAND UP FOR YOU!!! In the scripture in Luke 11, Jesus said he will stand up and give you what you need because of your importunity. Song: All other “gods”, they are the works of men. You are the only “God”, there is none like you! Brethren, we are all going to that “FRIEND”. Do not go for yourself alone. Go for that midnight friend who needs something from God or does not even know God. Go for that “Peter” that Herod has wrongfully put in prison. As you do so, EVERYWHERE YOU GO, THE GOD OF HEAVEN WILL STAND UP FOR YOU TO THE GLORY OF HIS NAME! YOU WILL SEE GOD! Song: Praise God, Halleluiah! Praise God, Amen! Praise God, Halleluiah! Praise God, Amen! Praise God, Halleluiah! Praise God, Amen! Praise God, Halleluiah! Praise God, Amen! THE POWER EXPLOSION PROGRAM CONTINUES ALL THROUGH THIS WEEK AT 12 NOON AND AT 7PM DAILY!!! THERE WILL NOT BE AN AFTERNOON SESSION ON FRIDAY, 07/18!!! COME AND BE BLESSED!!! The Lord gave the word; great is the company of those that published it (Psalm 68:11).
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:02:58 +0000

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