IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY SWEET BOY WILLOW...BORN SOMETIME IN MAY 2012 AND CROSSED OVER ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 I am so grateful for the last 2 years I had with my sweetheart even when he got really sick. The day before he died we spent hours outside sitting in in the sunshine. He got to eat, lick, sniff grass and dirt. Plants were always something he loved...I sure had enough of them inside. Willow was always looking for a new adventure. Often in the night while he was wild and healthy there would be a crash. Of course it was him. He had knocked something over...again. He would look at me and all I saw was a beautiful and amazing being who getting mad at was impossible, especially on the mornings of a day off when he would claw my curtains and meow until I got my butt up to feed him and his sister. I miss it sooooo much! I miss our little love sessions where we would both be on all fours and rub up and down on each other for as long as he would let me.I miss coming home from buying their food and within seconds he had succeeded in tearing it open. I miss how he would follow me around. And every time I went into the bathroom he would be there rubbing on my legs. I would bend down and hed nuzzle his little face across my cheek. He was very curious too and every time the toilet flushed he just had to watch it. I miss all the kisses he would let me give him and all the love he gave back to me. I miss watching Willow and his sister Kyya play fight, cuddle and climb all over their big cat tower. I know Kyya misses it too but we take comfort knowing he is on a different journey and will always be in our hearts. After months of emergency room visits, a 5 day hospital stay and lots of tests, a second opinion, the doctors still could not tell me exactly what was causing all the sickness in his little body. They told me it could be F.I.P which is fatal, Toxoplasmosis, or Cancer. I took him home and for the next 2 months was determined to get him better. I spent all my time with him..feeding him, taking him for fluids,running home on lunch breaks and giving him natural oils and tinctures to try and build up his immune system. I thought that if I could just give him some strength back he would be able to fight off what was going on. Well a few Mondays ago I took him for an Ultrasound and there we found out that his kidneys were enlarged. The veternarian said that with all Willows history, the inflamed kidneys, and on top of that....Willow was showing signs of liver dysfunction as well, so the diagnosis of F.I.P was in order. That night I immediately put him steroids because it is the only treatment, but statistics show they might only buy another few months, maybe a year. If he could feel better even for a little while it was worth it. So I tried it. In that first week Willow got some of his appetite back. I didnt have to syringe feed him as much. He climbed his cat tower twice, tore open a bag of cat food, watched the toilet flush and even woke me up to be fed. He was exhausted afterwards but I know he loved every minute of it. That last week was wonderful, but then I realized and he let me know that it was time to say goodbye. He got really sick again....his organs were shutting down. I spent every second I could with him outside, put him up on the top of his tower, on the windowsill, fed him his favorite food, and snuggled in love. This past Thursday September 18th we woke up and I just knew. This was the hardest decision Ive ever had to make in all my 32 years of far. For all the animal people out there I know you understand when I say....I had a connection with Willow that I never imagined I could have with anyone. I now know what the meaning of unconditional love. It happened the moment I laid eyes on him. Every single little part of Willow made me smile and I am so thankful for all of it, but Ill tell ya, I have also never known heartbreak like this either. However I understand theres nothing I could do. All the Reiki, love, and medicine could not change what was meant to be. Lifes great lessons. Willow was a soul mate of mine. A soul mate is just another soul that enters another souls life to teach, change, open up a part of us which promotes the growth of our spirit. Thats what loving and losing Willow did for me. I grew up with animals but was young and was not solely responsible for them. I lived alone when I adopted them and we became a family. I will love you and miss you always, my sweet sweet boy. Until we meet again.... Mmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaa*
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:06:51 +0000

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