INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue - TopicsExpress


INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue 96 July 17, 2013 IAE-ISSN 0893-9470 IAE-IRS-EIN 47-01752-60 Founded in 1986 © Marlin Pals, 2013 STILL MORE ON BICYCLES Seat Must Be Raised I guess there are many more details to riding a bicycle than I can present in one paper. I have noticed that some people ride about as low on the bicycle as one can get. Their seat appears to be down on the frame. When I started relearning how to ride, I rode that way and found that the muscles in my thighs got extremely sore. They really hurt. I discovered that by raising the seat to the recommended height, one’s legs didn’t get sore. The seat is supposed to be high enough so that when the pedals are in the high position, one’s knees are still below one’s waist. If one can pedal on tiptoes that position is almost the best way to ride. It gives one the most leverage for pedaling. I have mine set so that my knees are just below the waist when the pedals are in their highest position. I guess one can raise the seat so that when the pedals are in the down position, or low position, one’s legs are fully extended. One ends up being very high up when the seat is that high and I don’t like that. SECRET COURT CHALLENGED Spying Questioned The need for a secret court is being challenged more and more. Such a court is the product of Republican and conservative paranoia. They want to indulge in their criminal and treasonous acts around the world and don’t want anyone to know about those acts. Their treasonous act was Nixon’s secret deal with Communist China to end the Vietnam War; a.k.a. American War. However, that wasn’t the only treasonous act of theirs. Comments from the web reveal the thinking of people. “This spying program, in so far as it spies on Americans is completely Unlawful. The Patriot Act itself is completely unlawful.” “Those who argue that it is law and passed by congress, lack the knowledge that many laws passed by congress are unlawful because they violate some provision of our basic law...The Constitution!” “It was for that reason the FISA court was established and was to remain a secret court, I believe any lawyer in Washington is aware that these laws are Unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.” “Interestingly once this program, (the Patriot Act), is declared to be unlawful as violating the Constitution, Snowden actually cannot be prosecuted for disclosing an unlawful act of the government.” “How would it be espionage to disclose an illegal act of Government?” That sentiment no doubt, lingers on the mind of everyone who has heard of the secret court. One writer expressed fear of what J. Edgar Hoover would have done with the National Security Administration law. Hoover was using those tactics in his tenure without the law. The law would have given him dictatorial power over the U.S., but he used that power without the law. Secret courts are like the medieval British Star Chamber and the medieval French Chamber of Deputies in which people could be tried “in absentia” and convicted and then arrested without knowing what crime they had committed. The founders of this nation wrote the Constitution to try to prevent such from happening in this nation. Unfortunately their fourth Amendment states that the Constitution guarantees a republican form of government. The Republicans and conservatives have rewritten that provision to say that the Republican Party is “a Republican form of government”, with the intent of making the Republican Party be Constitutional. That is the purpose of the Tea Party revolt. However, the Republican Party isn’t constitutional; only the representative form of government which the founders knew of as being a “republican” form of government is Constitutional. The small “r” separates the form of government from the name of a political party. Republicans and conservatives misuse the Constitution to promote themselves and to set up secret courts and secret laws which will maintain them in power, because they wouldn’t have any power without such, and really don’t have any power, anyway. CONSERVATIVES BASH MARTIN They Do Protest Too Much A blogger who had his own video program on the web spent a lot of time bashing Martin. He ridiculed the idea that Martin was a boy at 17. He lavished praise on Zimmerman. He made Zimmerman sound like he was the essence of perfection. However, it had been reported in the news that Zimmerman and his wife were not the good people he proclaimed. They both had gotten in trouble with the law. I have forgotten the details of their crimes. It is tragic that the Florida neighborhood had to have a criminal serving as a night watchman. Zimmerman wasn’t injured in the incident. His injuries came after he murdered Martin. Conservatives have to cover up their murder of Martin. They expend a lot of energy doing so and show their guilt. If they had not been so intent on murder they wouldn’t have to use up all of that energy. They could put it to good use in helping the people whom they denounce. The Limbaugh-like blogger expended a lot of energy and time on defaming Black people. His comments weren’t relevant to the murder. After doing such Republicans and conservatives wonder why black people are angry. Martin is dead and can’t defend himself and that makes the whole trial a fraud. White teachers shove black children to the side as being uneducable and then defame them for not getting educated. Republicans and conservatives won’t hire black people; instead they tell them to go on welfare and then denounce them as being lazy. Conservatives claim to love Africans because Africans denounce American blacks. Conservatives use that as proof of their claims. However, Africans haven’t denounced Obama, yet. Republicans and conservatives claim to be Christian, but their behavior shows that they aren’t followers of Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 19:02:54 +0000

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