INTERACTIVE MEANING FOR AINE, FLORA, OAK-KING, NEMETONA, PAN AND CORDELIA - ENJOY X X X X X DONT FORGET TO LEAVE FEEDBACK - WAS THIS ACCURATE FOR YOU? PLEASE DO NOT JUST WRITE THANKS - ADD COMMENTS :) AINE: It is time to avoid harsh chemicals, harsh situations and harsh relationships. You are becoming extremely sensitive so it is time to create a safe haven for yourself. STOP using chemicals in and around your home, get rid of toxic relationships around you. Your sensitivities are really heightened in order for your psychic abilities to renew. This is part of our new world so it is time to cleanse, clear and delete. Time to also look at your diet. Many of the foods you are taking in are harsh also. If you truly want positive change in your life, then heed our words carefully. FLORA: You are currently working toward setting a firm foundation for yourself. Well done ! Using good judgment is of paramount importance right now especially in regard to financial matters. In doing so – you are setting yourself up for a better future. DO NOT let your current situation define who you are and remember hard work IS required to get ahead. You must also balance giving and receiving in order for success. Be flexible and allow things to flow right now. Call in the finance angels to assist you. All you need to do is ask and then relax and allow us to do what we do best. Do not try to dictate which way things should go. Allow and trust. OAK-KING: Quan Yin steps forward immediately. She is the Bodhisattva of Compassion and has this message : STOP being so hard on yourself dear ones. Watch your words and self thoughts and the judgments you have of yourself. You are much kinder and more forgiving of all others and yet you continue to punish yourself. Allow me to enter and fully open your heart centre. Call me in. NEMETONA: You have been asking about your life purpose. Please know that right now – you ARE on the right path ! Can you feel the rush of excitement? Keep a steady eye on your goals and constantly visualise that you already have the life or career you want. See yourself helping others and atoning to issues that resonate with your heart. Any desire you have is viable as long as you stay focused. Know that your Angels are walking with you right now. You are nearly there. Change is coming. Believe, allow and visualise. Bring it in. PAN: You are reminded to focus on your strengths NOT upon any perceived weakness you have created in your mind. Your strengths are your loving heart, pure intentions, people skills and love. The more you appreciate your strengths, the stronger they grow. It is important to view yourself with compassion and love. Focus only on the positives. CORDELIA: Old anger and resentment is about to be fully released. This is not the time to hold onto this. You have held on to this like precious cargo and yet, the only one still hurting is you. Resentment has grown strong but it is time to let go. Your prayers will be answered once you begin to release yourself from the inability to offer forgiveness. Whilst you may feel very justified in your anger, the truth of the matter is that your resentment is blocking your happiness. It is hurting only YOU. The rage you carry is blocking your deepest desires. Go outside and sit with the fairies. Clear your mind. You will benefit enormously from making the decision to detoxify yourself from the poison you hold onto. FORGIVE
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 09:44:09 +0000

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