✽INTRODUCTION TO EASTERN MYSTICISM ✽ ARE YOU AWAKE MANY ARE NOT SO SAD... :( PLEASE GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS HE LOVES YOU.. I KNOW THEY ARE NOT IN COVENANT WAS TOLD MANY SECRESTS BY ONE ...... 。*。.•✽☆.•*¨`*.••.*•✽♪★*.••.*•✽♪★ 。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。 •.ƸӜƷ.• * I VALUE MY SALVATION *He is the Creator & My Daddy! 。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。* 。*。 ~~The highest ranks of Freemasonry honor the persecution of Christians. ƸӜƷ.•✞ YESHUA MESSIAHS BLOOD ✞ •.ƸӜƷ.• (¯`♥´¯) ..•*¨`* .• ´*.¸.•´♥ Have a Bright Sunshiney Day Everyone ..•*¨`* .• ´*.¸.•´♥ •✽☆.♥•*¨`*.••.*•✽♪★*.••.*•✽♪★✽.•✽☆.♥•*¨`*.••.*•✽♪★*. I HAD A MASON HIM SELF TELL ME THEY ARE NOT IN COVENANT AND THAT EVERYONE WOULD BE DECIEVED & ALSO UNDERSTAND THE DEPTH OF THIS AND KNOW THAT MY ABBA FATHER LOVES THEM VERY MUCH THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BORN AGAIN AND AGAIN IT IS ONE TIME DEAL AND MY ABBA LOVES YOU VERY MUCH ... *✽.•✽☆.♥•*¨`*.• •.*•✽♪★*.• •.*•✽♪★*¨`* ~~~ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Masonic Holy Bible Found and EXPOSED!( A MUST SEE!) pol·y·the·ism [ póllee thee ìzzəm ] 1.belief in several deities: the worship of or belief in more than one deity, especially several deities Synonyms: dualism · animism · pantheism PLEASE ,PLEASE GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS CHRIST .. *✽.•✽☆.♥•*¨`*.• •.*•✽♪★*.• •.*•✽♪★*¨`* ~~~ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ There are Christians, all over the world, who even today, suffer greatly and some have even give up their lives because they refuse to compromise their faith in Christ. And yet, professing Christians who are involved in the highest ranks of Freemasonry honor the persecution of Christians. When a Mason gets to the highest degree of the Scottish rite or the York rite, he is then allowed to go into what is called the Shrine. You may have seen them in parades, wearing their red fezzes with the sword and crescent emblem on them. You hear about the Shrine circus and the burn centers for children run by the Shriners. People think isnt this a nice fun organization, they do so much good for crippled children and others. But . . . In order for a person to become a Shriner, he must not only go through all the degrees of Masonry, make all those blood-curdling oaths, worship gods who are not gods except they are of Satan, but he must make a blood both of allegiance to Allah as his god and Mohammed as his prophet. THEY DENY THE ONLY SON OF GOD AND MESSIAH ALMIGHTY GOD SAID YOU SHOULD HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFOR ME AND THE WORSHIP MANY OF THEM IN PRAY THE HOLY SPIRIT TOLD ME WHAT THEY DO IS EVIL ONE OF THEM TOLD ME THEY ARE NOT IN COVENANT AND MY FATHER CONFERMED IT MORE THEN ONE TIME.. ( •✽☆.♥•*¨`*.••.*•✽♪★*.••.*•✽♪★✽.•✽☆.♥•*¨`*.••.*•✽♪★ THE ABBA FATHERS OPINION OF {{SATANS WORKERS}} .....MY DADDY SAID ✽✽THEY ARE SMOKE & MIRRORS FAKES AND PHONIES , ILLIUSIONIST ✽✽:{stage magic to distinguish it from paranormal or ritual magic}....... I HAVE WATCHED THEM THIS LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING ? IS IT MAGIC ! WITCHCRAFT !! Isaiah 8:19-22 King James Version (KJV) 19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? 20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. 21 And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. 22 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness. THESE THINGS WHERE FORBIDEN IN THE CAMP OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE BUT THEY STILL BROUGHT IT WITH THEM OUT OF EGYPT AND COULD NOT GO IN TO THE PROMISE BECAUSE THEY WOULD NOT LET GO OF THE WICKED WAYS OF WORSHIPING OTHER gods AND THE WITCHCRAFT THAT CAME ALONG WITH IT SOME PEOPLE STILL PRATICE TODAY ... INTRODUCTION TO EASTERN MYSTICISM CANT MIX WITH CHRISTIANITY YESHUA MESSIAH IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CANT MIX HIM WITH YOUR WORKS OR OTHER gods BECAUSE REMEMBER TRUTH AND GRACE CAME HE IS TRUTH AND THE HOLY SPIRIT LEAD TO ALL TURTH EVEN WHEN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO MINIPULATE IS YOU LISTEN TO AND LOOK FOR IT HE SHOWS HIS CHILDREN MY LIPS ARE RESEARVED TO WORSHIP MY FATHER IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH... {{BY THE HOLY SPIRIT HIM SELF!}}
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:38:52 +0000

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