IS CHARLIE HEBDO PROGRESSIVE OR LEFTIST? Satire is progressive - TopicsExpress


IS CHARLIE HEBDO PROGRESSIVE OR LEFTIST? Satire is progressive and leftist when it makes fun of authority, the rich, and the powerful. It is reactionary, racist, and fascist when it targets the poor and the oppressed people. During the Cold War Western imperialism was aligned with religious conservatism. The working class and the Third World embraced Marxist atheism. Francos Spain was the archetypal symbiosis between religion and fascism. After the Cold War everything in geopolitics has been turned upside down. The US is promoting revolutionary change while Russia and the Global South stand for stability and conservatism. Religion has again become the opium of the masses, the Third World, immigrants, the Western poor. In South America the Catholic church is no longer at odds with Marxism. Cuba has again embraced religion. This is even evident in my immediate surroundings; most of my Marxist friends are now card carrying Christians. The rest of my anti-fascist friends are turning to the Russian Orthodox Church. In the West pseudo-leftists form the cultural elite. Most people have no other values except consumerist greed. Atheism has become a tool of Western imperialism. The Western pseudo-left systematically supports all Western wars of aggression. Some of the cartoonist at Charlie Hebdo, like Maurice Sinet (Siné), are genuine veterans of the anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist struggle. Others claim to be leftist, but what does that mean in an age when no genuine left exists? By insulting and ridiculing religion Charlie Hebdo has in essence become a tool of Western imperialism. It no longer targets authority but the poor, the oppressed, and the Global South. It has become a voice for angels of death like Bernard-Henri Lévy. France has been a center of global destabilization for the last four year. Some 400,000 people have died in wars promoted BHL and the French pseudo-left. Most were killed by Islamist like the ones attacking Charlie Hebdo. If these killers had attacked in Libya, Syria, Iraq, or Ukraine, France would have cheered.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:56:28 +0000

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