~~~~~~~ ISIS, BRUTAL SAVAGES ~~~~WE HAVE TO KILL EM!!! ~~~~ - TopicsExpress


~~~~~~~ ISIS, BRUTAL SAVAGES ~~~~WE HAVE TO KILL EM!!! ~~~~ WELL, FOLKS, theres been another Beheading of an American Journalist..This time its Steven Sotlof...WHERE IN GODS NAME IS THE OUTRAGE!! ~~ NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE had a President who in light of such Monsterous Acts against American Citizens, refused to take immediate and Severe Action starting by announcing to the Country OPENLY and with VIGOR that America WILL NOT Tolerate this. PERIOD!!! ~~~ Even FOX News Channel who normally displays and speaks out with the TRUTH is at best Luke Warm tonight about it, choosing much of the time to focus on the phone-hacking of Celebrities....LISTEN FRIENDS, we have an Incompetent, Incapable, Dumb-founded and Psychologically Impaired President who for whatever reason REFUSES to acknowledge we are AT WAR with ISIS nor can he see the True Nature of their Savage Mentality...........Sadly also, we have an embarrassing amount of so called Believers that are so wrapped up with the soap-opera of their own little lives, so much so that they have blinded themselves to and cannot tolerate the Reality of what is going on around them and apparently cannot accept the fact that ISIS is HERE, NOW and that another attack on America is inevitable in the not too distant future that will make 911 look like a childrens story!!!!!! .........BUT THANK GOD, we do have an Abundance of Committed and Sold out to Jesus Christians who Intercede against this End Time Evil--- DAILY, and are making a difference by taking Heaven by Force at the Throne Room of God each and every day....Which Christian are U????? ~
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:02:14 +0000

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