ISIS is on social media trying to recruit Americans to kill - TopicsExpress


ISIS is on social media trying to recruit Americans to kill soldiers in their homes. I think the United States should get on social media and start spreading the message that what ISIS is ultimately doing is sending the whole world back into the dark ages. Heres a quick message to those who think it would be glorious to be a terrorist: Everywhere ISIS goes they burn down the beautiful buildings - churches, museums, schools, libraries, hospitals, and everything decent. They shroud the women in burqas; prevent them from driving; and no longer allow them to go to school. They will eliminate the teaching of history and science. Imagine entertainment under ISIS. They are going to do away with music. They will do away with computers because they dont want the people to be able to communicate. That means no Google, no Facebook, no twitter. Forget movies. What kind of movie can you have with no music, dancing, no pretty girls, no history - forget that. Imagine Disney World under ISIS. Imagine that youre the one who has to be The one who beheads a child, or cuts her in half, or runs him over with a tractor in front of his parents. And that is the short list. What kind of world do you want to live in?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:27:19 +0000

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