>>>> ISIS is the embodiment as it were of the pure doctrine, and - TopicsExpress


>>>> ISIS is the embodiment as it were of the pure doctrine, and they are anything but what we are continually served up in the Western media; namely, that they are a group of terrorists who are misusing the religion of Islam. The opposite is the case. How stupid must a person be who reads the fundamentals of the Koran, who watches videos such as this and then continues to take the view that a religion is being misused here! How blinkered must one be, if one does not notice that the God-image, in which a violent, avenging, man-hating Allah emerges, and yet it is not supposed to have inescapable implications for the brains of the believers! How mendacious must a society be which knows how Allah’s activities are represented in the Hadith, for example, and also in the Koran, and which nevertheless claims that there need be no consequences for the conscious condition of the people of this ISIS or similar organisations! > and see with what passion, with what aggression and with what satisfaction they carry out killings; when we see how they wade in blood, how they more or less indiscriminately shoot at all those they consider unbelievers, and who therefore must be treated as enemies of Allah; when we see the feeling of pleasure bound up with it; when we see to what extent young people from countries in Western society are drawn by this performance to participate; young people from the countries of Europe and America, who join the people of ISIS and the jihadists, because by this time it has become a kind of pop culture, [when we look at all this], then we see with what effectiveness Islam quite purposefully, and with great success, makes use of the characteristics and negative potentials which are available in man. That is an enormous danger; not only for that region, not only for Syria and Iraq and the immediately surrounding countries, but it also poses a danger of contagion, of an epidemiological dissemination of this world view. It is the danger of a completely radical implementation of the true Islam spreading like an epidemic. The idea of the caliphate appeals to many people; also to people who as Muslims have migrated to the various Western countries, who are there supposedly as migrant labour, and therefore ISIS is absolutely not to be underestimated as a danger, also for the Western world, which is not decisive enough, in the first instance, to recognise what kind of problem it presents. The Western world is not in a sufficiently good position organisationally and politically, and certainly not at all militarily, and also not from the standpoint of political will. The latter category is a central one to address: the fact of the West not being sufficiently well positioned to ensure that this group of core activists of the Islamic thought-world are stopped. It is high time that the political leaders of the Western world, but also the representatives of the Christian churches and the representatives of Judaism, bring themselves to see that what we are experiencing here with ISIS is no marginal manifestation, which will perhaps collapse from within or disappear again on its own accord; rather, it is a potential avalanche which can blanket the entire globe. We must consolidate all forces in order to ensure ideologically, that this world view does not spread throughout the Western world, and we must consolidate ourselves in order to come together locally for the pragmatic fight, as well as for the question of the urgency of the fight against this source of conflagration. That is a task which brooks no postponement and which we in the Western society of nations must undertake at all costs.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 22:21:58 +0000

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