ISLAM AND ACCEPTANCE I take consolations from two great leaders - TopicsExpress


ISLAM AND ACCEPTANCE I take consolations from two great leaders of Tariqatu Tijaniya Sufi Order when it comes to explaining some Islamic teachings. According to Maulana Shayhu Tahiru Bauchie of Nigeria, rta, the acceptance Islam is like coming out with containers for rain water. Those who use blood strained containers will have contaminated rain water. Those with clean ones will get pure rain water. The same water but the purity of the container or other wise determines the type of water you get. The container in this case is the HEART. Maulana Abdallah Maikano of Ghana, rta, said three pots are brought out for the rain water. One has its “bottom” broken. No matter the quantity of the rain water that enters in the pot, drains away. The other is vey new and good, but it is turned upside down. No single drop of water enters it. The third one is new and clean. It stands upright ready for the water. It receives the water as it enters it. Clean and pure. And that is also the HEART. Approach Islam with CLEAN HEART. A word to the wise and the learner.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 09:17:06 +0000

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