ISLAMIC RELIGION AND SUCH Almighty LERİ.MUSLU man-LIKE ... Repentance, prayer beads, TEKBİR HAZARDS, AND Havkal to TAHMİD 1854 - Abdullah ibn Amr İbnil-AS (radıyallahü anhümâ) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Two traits or two care-and has them that a Muslim one (continue to) to tell if the absolute heaven enters. These two things are easy. Who deeds with them if, in less ... Every (fard) ten times after the prayer rosary (Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi), ten times tahmid (Alhamdulillah) ten times Takbir (Allahu akbar) consists of a say. (Abdullah says :) I am the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) s saying they saw the count with his fingers. Rasulullah Continuing asked: These are five times total, one hundred and fifty on the tongue. In Mizan thousand five hundred. Second virtues Once in the bedroom glorify God a hundred times, takbir is that u have a tahmid. This buoyancy in the language, put on trial. (Both would total two thousand five hundred.) The Prophet (pbuh) continued his speech with a question: Which one day, night and day, two thousand five hundred sins? Lets not tell them why, O Allahs Apostle? they said. Gave the following answer: Satan in prayer, while each comes to: Right you remember that, he says, and from prayer until served. (This reminder as the result of) people found this tasbihat leave even would. Persons bed after entering the devil come to him, (dhikr do not permit the) also tries to sleep and slept. Tirmidhi Daavât 25, (3407); Abu Dawud, Adab, 209, (5065); NESA, inadvertently 90, (3, 74). 1855 - Ibn Abi to Evfer (radıyallahü anhümâ) says: A man gelerek- O Allahs Apostle! said, I can not select a portion of the Quran. Teach me something that will be sufficient for me please you! So, commanded, Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi velhamdüıillah, and Lailah illallah, by Jove akbar, VELADA towel vela force or else billah. (God, I thank Glory, praise to you are reserved. Allah there is no god, Allah is the Greatest, power strength comes from God) at . O Allahs Apostle! Said, this is for dhikr of Allah. (He is the Senai), let me tell you what I pray for? He prayed: God, have mercy on me, give good appetite, provide guidance, give sustenance! Man (listen kalkınca) showing hands squeeze: He (ve belle tight!), He said. The Prophet (pbuh), whereupon: This man has both hands filled with goodness! .. He said. Abu Dawud, Salat 139, (832); NESA, İftitâh 32, (2, 143); Abu Dawud Hadith fully, partially in NESA has been narrated. 1856 - Prophet. Aisha (Radiyallahu Anhai) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) before his death would have many repeat these prayers: Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi and bihamdih, the estağfirullah and the ileyh eTube. (I can glorify God with you Hamdi, forgiveness, I wish that I would repent of my sins.) I asked him the reason of it. Has made the following statement: My Lord has informed me, I my community about the signsll see., I saw him SUBHANALLAH and bihamdih, the estağfirullah and eTube the ileyh chanting increase was. These I have seen, Izaya CAE Nasrullah wal-conquest .. is the time. Bukhari, Tafsir, Nasir, prayer 123.139; Mega 50; Muslim, Salat 220, (484). 1857 - Abu Hurairah (radıyallahü anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi the wal lillâhi, VELADA ilaha illa JoVE akbar (Allah exalt thank, praise are due to Allah, Allah, There is no god. God is greatest) do not call me on it where the sun rises above (from the world) is more dear. Muslim, Zikr 32, (2695); Tirmidhi, Daavât 139, (3591). 1858 - Ibn Masud (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: during Laylat al-Ibrahim (PBUH) sve encountered. me: O Muhammad, the ummah to say hello. And let me know that: heavens earth clean, the water is sweet. Place (water to keep) flat is empty. There, seeding the Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi, velhamdülillah, and Lailah illallah, by Jove akbar sentence is. Tirmidhi, Daavât 60, (3458). 1859 - Prophet. Abu Bekris-Siddiqs freed Yüseyr A (radıyallahü anhümâ)-the first of the refugees were lagging, explains: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said to us: We glorify, HAZARDS, sanctified, Lindsay Lohan to shoot recommend it. Count them with the fingers. Because the fingers (on the Day of Resurrection, what they are used) are exposed to sprinklers and will be spoken of. Tirmidhi, Daavât 131, (3577); Abu Dawud, Salat 359, (1501). 1860 - Prophet. Abu Bekris-Siddiq (Radiyallahu Anh) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Anyone who repentance seventy times a day we get back from the repentance of sin Do not count on. Tirmidhi, Daavât 119, (3554); Abu Dawud, Salat 361, (1514). 1861 - Al-Eğarrul-Museum (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Verily, my heart sometimes crashes negligence. However, next time I ask forgiveness of Allah will face a day (I wish my forgiveness). Muslim, Zikr 41, (2702); Abu Dawud, Salat 361, (1515). 1862 - Again Eğarrul-Museum, the Muslims narration in the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) s said that Zubair, O people, your Lord repent. Aııah bowl I get I the Lord am Tebârek and Allaah to His Grace hundred times a day repent it. Muslim, Zikr 42, (2702). 1863 - Bukhari and Tirmidhi from the one narrated in the hz.eb Hurairah (Radiyallahu Anh) says: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) s heard, said: aııah bowl I get, Im a day to Allah seventy times repentance would I am located in repentance. Vapor, Daavât 3; Tirmidhi, Tafsir, Muhammad, (3255). 1864 - Asmd Ibn al the-Hakam al-Fazare the (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: Hazrat Ali listened to, said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) as a hadith I listened to you, Allah, Esq benefit of my language as it is benefiting thought. If a man will he narrated the hadith (though he really did not hear) was sworn saves. I swear when I narrated it to certify whether I would agree. Prophet. Abu Bekris-Siddiq (Radiyallahu Anh) me the following hadith narrated and this was narrated in the Abu Bakr right, said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) s heard, said: Sin process and back up and taking an ablution two rakahs prayers then aııah Almighty to His Grace every man shall surely repent forgiveness. Then I read the following verse. (Maal): The when they do something bad or unjust to themselves when they chant Allah, they ask forgiveness of sins. Who is forgiving sins except Allah? (Al-i Imran 135). Tirmidhi, Tafsir Al-Imran, (3009); Abu Dawud, Salat 361, (1521), Ibn Majah İkâmetus-Salat 193, (1395). 1865 - Prophet. Abu Hurairah (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Kim: La ilaha illa the vahdeh la-serie favor, lehul property and lehul-praise and huwa ala kulli something mag prayer If you tell me a hundred times a day, he had ten slaves Azad is given as a reward, the reward is written also in favor of the face and the face of the temptation will also be deleted. This also three days against the devil keeps it until the evening. It read more no one, than that man can not bring in a deed EfdaL. Who hundred times a day and bihàmdih Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi courses errors fall out, even as the sea foam (very) even though. Bukhari, Daavât 54, Bedül-People 11; Muslim, Zikr 28, (2691); Muvatta Quran 20 (1, 209); Our Tier, Daavât 61, (3464). 1866 - Prophet. Umar (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Whoever market upon entering La ilaha iııalıâh the vahdeh Iain sharika lch, ıehü the-property and ıehü the-Hamdi yuhy and yümit and huwa HAYY Iain yemüt bi-yedih the I huwa hay and magnitude of AI powdery stuff. (Aılah other than there is no god, this is the one partner, there is no property, and praise belongs to him. Life that gives death he gives. Himself alive is, is immortal. No. One is in the hands. He power to will anything stop) prayer if he reads aııah him a million reward the author, and the order of a million, a million degrees in the sublimates forgive sins. In one story, the third reward of worth, makes a mansion in heaven for him was called. Tirmidhi, Daavât 36, (3424). 1867 - The Prophet (pbuh) s wives of the Cüveyriyy A (radıyallahü Anhai) s told us that, The Messenger of Allah (pbuh), our Lord one day morning prayer made, the more his prayer niche, whilst early side came, went, mid-morning after Cüveyriyy (same place chanting) sitting back and said: you leave even though I keep (to budge did you think?), he asked. Yes answers on has this to say: I leave you after the four words (the light prayer) y three times I read it. While you will derive from them the reward you weigh, youve read here since morning prayer becomes equivalent to the weight of the reward. That prayer is: Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi and bihamdih the units halkıh and ridak nefsih and adornment of arşih and Midair the kelimâtih the. (Allah creatures the number, the soul consent of, the cubits ağırıığın, the words many copies glorification (of the defects beyond) it. Muslim, Zikr, 79 (2726); Tirmidhi, Daavât 117, (3550); Abu Dawud, Salat 359, (1503); NESA, inadvertently, 93, (4, 77). 1868 - Prophet. Abu Hurairah (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: There are two words, their language slightly, scales heavy, Rahmâna lover are: Subhânallâhi wal hamdu lillâhi and bihamdih, the Sübhânallâhil-determination. (I can glorify God with you Hamdi, the supreme God is beyond you would) words. Bukhari, Daavât 65, Eymân 19, Unity 58; Muslim, Zikr 31, (2694); Tirmidhi, Daavât 61, (3463). 1869 - Hadrat Abu Hurairah again (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: La illa Billah towel and Iâ force. (Power aııah are made with only the kuvuet) repeat the word too. Makhul said: Whoever says this, and then: God (s wrath) from only O (ns mercy) na defected, but salvation masculine can say, Allah, her seventy varieties loss removes the most of them mild poverty is.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 17:45:38 +0000

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