“IT” BECOME VISIBLE ON SEPTEMBER 1997 The hate between women - TopicsExpress


“IT” BECOME VISIBLE ON SEPTEMBER 1997 The hate between women in them competition (and so the process, get it´s “no world end yet” but “no change” –forms) becoming visible on Finland and how really true and dangerous women’s are in them fight to get life and in it some power in them corner position in relation to men world and on them own world in them (women its objects controlling and to them focusing materially “f”-form living in fear under hosts etc,) “f.or.m.er” upper Id - down m -layering. Something on them majority take its ruling position there on female side and begin to build “under side Cinderella system” to be in mighty over all. The situation were on both women sides, that they were done wrong to me, but they both were convinced about “the thing”, what I were spread round them hub and other side of them circles surrounding tell to them there in that press effect situation. I were distributed almost all essential first and go on under “wondering” -writers, whose were already on the beginning 1992, but I made it sure, inside “Johns Gospel” 7 “Voi” (to summers beat desperate groans) theme years both with open talking and hidden writings, the whole, which basis I distribute already 1992 and much more before it (were also 7 years dime shape, where “it all” happen) so, that this “breeding” theme were the last one, which I take to the table 1999 (talking always all before mentioned themes on that new theme perspective light). Every year I formulate “the Thing” so clearly, that it were inside that solid theme (to me were most important proof and show in happening it selves, that the God is, so that powers must and can get “something” above them own mind), that even they must change (like on Bible it is, all those catastrophes happen because/but those messages did not change them), and because if in such situations it doesn’t happen, it proofs that they cannot change, because they ALL are object specie on its kind of consciousness and without understanding and skill to bear responsibility. Be the caring Power. One “memory buoy” -example about my those times reality is, when I entirely summer 1995 say to them, meanwhile she make up her selves on kitchen table, “what more you will to hear because now you have already over 100.000 year safe future inside these my tell thing frames and if I begin to talk for example about Love Inclined Surface”, I most obviously die!”. I was there, where precisely they use that power inside “gift” and “London” Queen power frames. That “LIS” contains many things like, men and women direction of will (what all is from objectworld living species under them will direction, when they, who do not love all like 6 is love it selves and one with all, but whose are just adoring something on upper position on that layering), “will” use in administration and manipulation, how cut the will to its sides on W, and first of all, using it as solid women side “understanding” basis inclined surface layering, which angle can easily adjust [“ruuvit löysällä” = screws/(crew in Nemo upside down “depending –world”, where Cristina Figueres “give up”, but not to mentally upper direction… How absolutely crazy (and such realized!.. why…) UN program is for example REDD, when the alternative to take attitude is my solution not to give money to child’s so that they can build them own will “depending/bond” -bridge to superior might’s) are loose, means greater angle coefficient] and to which men are bond and which is the limit and limiting instrument of all men side society doings and which works together like “employer other side” as masculine employers “partner” -instrument. And “his.story” is method to combine what fits to them mind to be in memes so, that words have its innocent not understandable side above might’s, which is given to bad women use to build solid nothing more than superficial exploited workers talking level “above” “Lon.don” -level, which one solution can find inside “go.od” -lie from upper stage women trying to find her destiny on layering and keeps up such not fit one without hate to be refused, which must go inside women’s lie world gon.sciense methods. Must say also on memes level about “visibility”, that word “careful” tells all about “the power mold” -mighty, with witch men world is bound to be in its layering ruled by its sovereign powers (which use always “klähmä/suo.malainen” =go with and/ be like = “what cannot win, the 6, to it wears in morally it selves to be like” and then hat method happens on space dimensions having solutions on materially level) -methods. To be care.full means theatre, which way women gets its position to be near and “theatre” is the way to get someone near to do things, which he thinks please to that so care.full. Careful is not word, which means just to be such one for someone’s own selves so that it means just because of love and care and because she/he is one (part) of “the 6 it selves” consci-ous. And word cautious, which also tells all about some past history times, when f.or.m.er were more acute. When animal side world make its realm killing good women for example on one Turku deep well, which round is seats to hear to 35 “humans”. Do you think that those round it in r.y.e-/Ruis-salo, whose teeth’s I now please work to Puru, were good women… Trough Id-basis working power (and its meme) system “suc.cess” must stop, because it is reason to make everyone’s hell and the End! Good solve in this is my, where frames are reasonable and common good to everyone and there the face to face will mechanism is separated to happen inside those frames, but mentally above is 6 institution and above it the God, who needs people to do Gods doings.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:59:27 +0000

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