IT SEEMS THAT WITH JOHN JUDGES PASSING, COPA IS ABOUT TO DIE, TOO. COPA IS THE GREAT ORGANIZATION THAT HAS DEFENDED KENNEDY AND OSWALD FROM THE LIES OF THE MEDIA. LETTING COPA DIE IS NOT THE WAY TO HONOR THAT GREAT MAN, JOHN JUDGE! I WROTE THE FOLLOWING LETTER TO COPA--HOPE YOU WILL ENDORSE IT! I just wept to hear John had passed away. I’d sent a contribution, as did many, toward his hospital bills (wish it could have been more). In Dallas last November, when we finally met face to face, he told me he’d finally had a chance to read ME & LEE, and this is why at the end of the conference last year, he mentioned the project to kill Castro and our work in New Orleans. I’d be able to speak at the next conference, in person. Now he’s gone. I had no opportunity to meet Bill Kelly, for example, and it is now my fear that I’ll be marginalized again. The work my large group is doing, along with Jim Marrs, Ed Haslam, St. John Hunt, Vincent Palamara, Abraham Bolden, Bob Groden, Jesse Ventura, David Denton and his coalition, and Kris Millegan of Trine Day (who also has published Joan Mellen’s work) has been absolutely snowballing. Whatever differences we have (such as Groden doesn’t think the Z film was altered), we bury such differences for the common cause. Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has offered her help to us, and many others are giving us financial support. This includes financing me on a fourth book tour across the country (amazing!). Many more I haven’t mentioned are working with us. It is my hope that you will join us in the fight to clear Lee Oswald’s name and to bring justice to bear in the murder of John F. Kennedy. In September, we will raise hell concerning the framing of Lee Oswald by the Warren Commission. In October, we will again fill the halls in New Orleans, and there celebrate Oswald’s birthday, which each year is getting more attention not only in New Orleans, but nationwide. In November, we will be focusing on the noxious plaque erected by the Texas Historical Association, blaming Lee Oswald for the shooting of Officer J.D. Tippit: the haughty Association acted as Judge and Jury in the matter, and we have been sending individual complaints, which have generated responses that we will use to our advantage in a major campaign to tear down the bronze plaque. We will use this matter to focus attention on the railroading of Lee Harvey Oswald, using the issue of the 50th anniversary of the Warren Commission to generate public interest. BTW, we’re asking all of you to help back our efforts to bring the plaque down. While I understand how John’s untimely death has affected all of us, and how it has devastated his closest friends (Cynthia McKinney burst into tears as she told me about his funeral), John wouldn’t have wanted you to disband in 2014 with so many opportunities to act in his name and for his sake. Disbanding is NOT the way you should pay tribute to this fine man — by scattering all he has done to the four winds. I pray that you will recognize that McAdams and his people enjoy creating in-fighting among us with their frequently faked and altered material and ad hominem attacks. Further, we have factions who seem to glory in attacking those who interfere with their pet theories or who ruin their books or disturb their egos with new evidence that irritates them. In my case, I have persisted in supporting even those who attack me personally, if their major efforts are focused on clearing Lee Oswald’s name. For example, I support Bill Kelly, hoping one day we will meet and he will alter his opinion of me after that. Bill’s work is magnificent, absolutely magnificent. As I have refrained from attacking you who attack me, even supporting your efforts anyway, seeking the high ground where we fight for the same cause, so I ask you to support us, as well, and that we can be united for this noble, common cause, laying aside differences. What’s important is to focus on the true enemy. Therefore, it is our hope that you will continue COPA. The name and objectives are well known. COPA is respected and respectable. It provides a forum that, unlike Lancer’s, is not a profit-based organization, so last year people could actually afford to attend your conference (many could not afford to attend Lancer). Our own growing coalition is nameless but vibrant. If you would accept our support,here it is. God bless you to make the right decisions, keeping in mind that the 50th anniversary of the Warren Commission is not the right time to call quits. We will join you in whatever money-raising you might need to continue. or you can go ahead and dissolve away, and then ask yourself–”Have I done what is right, in memory of a truly great man? With great hopes that you will continue, and that you will allow us to support you– Judyth Vary Baker (speaking for many). politicalassassinations/2014/04/statement-regarding-the-immediate-future-of-copa/#comment-119034
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 13:01:47 +0000

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