IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO ME, IF YOU HAVE TIME, TO READ AND FIND OUT ABOUT THE DETENTION CENTRES HERE IN AUSTRALIA Australia has a system of mandatory detention for any non-citizen who enters the country without a valid visa. Asylum seekers (including children) are held in these camps, waiting to be processed, sometimes for years. The United Nations Human Right Commission has described the conditions in Australian detention centers as ‘Offensive to human dignity’. Most people I know descend from immigrants, yet the suffering of asylum seekers is a matter of indifference for most Australians. These ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘boat people’, ‘terrorists’, as they are often described by media, are desperate people risking their lives to flee persecution and terrorism in their own country (more than 90% are found to be genuine refugees), coming to Australia seeking asylum-as it is their right to, under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Australia, within the ten richest countries in the world, takes in less then 15000 refugees a year, 0.1% of the world’s population of refugees. The cost of detaining asylum seekers (Christmas Island detention: 1600$ per day per asylum seeker) is a lot higher than the cost of integration into the community (6 cents per week for taxpayers). United Nation’s research and other nation’s approach, has shown that allowing people to live in the community until their refugee claims have been finalized is more humane, less expensive and few people do not comply with release conditions. Kevin Rudd has recently spoken about an ‘export asylum seeker deal’ with PNG. The appointment of Papua New Guinea as a ‘regional processing country’ is not only inconsistent with Australia’s international human rights obligations but the whole concept of transferring asylum seekers “out of the way” into third country detention centers and the treatment of these people as criminals is in my opinion morally wrong. I would rather give up half of what I have and have to work twice as hard if it meant that someone misfortunate enough to be born in a country of war and terror had a chance to live and be a part of this beautiful country.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 04:31:11 +0000

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