ITS LYRICS DISCUSSION TIME.... WHOS BEHIND THE DOOR? what do you think ITs about??? +1 UnregisteredJul 29, 2012 at 4:35 pm It means for myself.. Were controlled by goverment and very powerful people, who dictate to us how we live our lives. Also.. The truth is no one really knows where we came from, or who created. We think we know , but we don,t. Humans think ( or like to- ego) they know everything. On this planet people know who,s behind the door, but if we look out into the universe.. We don,t know whos behind the door. u UnregisteredMay 13, 2012 at 2:13 am Id have to guess this song is about near-death experiences. Those waiting for us in the afterlife were not expecting us so suddenly. That light at the end of the tunnel was meant to blind us, as a security measure, long enough while they decide our fate (live or die), and to not see them prematurely. Eventually, for good or bad, all of gods flowers will find their answer... u UnregisteredApr 12, 2012 at 7:08 am looking out to the stars Think about what you are What do they think of you Animals in their zoo They havent got the time Landings not on their minds How do they have the nerve Were animals in preserve Think about it. Landings not on their minds? Its about aliens watching us from afar. I agree. No time, landing is not on their mind,yet we are animals in a zoo, aka prisioners. Why would any being want to land on a prison? And yes, we do know as much as a flower about what is behind the door. The flower looks pretty, provides seeds and sometimes food, but does it care what is behind the door? Does your average working stiff who comes home, drinks a beer and watches a football game? u UnregisteredApr 12, 2012 at 7:00 am The leader (most people call god) stepped through a porthole he wasnt meant to step through. Since he has more important things to do, he gave demigods the task of watching over us. We are like animals in a zoo in that regard, but we are not in physical cages so we think we are free. Some of use, like zebra is doing here, question why we arent free like they are, and are answered with our zookeepers are too busy with more important things than to worry about the monkey running around earth behind a door the zookeepers accidentally opened and then couldnt close. u UnregisteredApr 3, 2012 at 5:07 am I think one possibility is that the uncertainty of how anything can turn out for anyone could be ascribed to the stars. Sort of like the astrologers do. The opening stanza mentions we and i take that to suggest its about a pair of lovers at some early point in their relationship who are seeking insight as to where their love will take them. The second stanza could mean a lot of things, but i think its saying we humans ascribe too much meaning to external things and that the answers are within us all, yet arent immediately observable. As long as the lovers keep their hopes and guidance as lofty as the stars, then at least they are headed the right way. Sort of how the ancient mariners were guided by the stars. The third stanza is explaining the bewilderment the lovers experience when they discover theyve had the answers all along, but they are concerned for how much time they have left as mortals. The unwatched men could be whatever fate befalls them which ends their existence as corporeal beings and transcends them to a higher one - although they dont want to rush that event because they enjoy their newly-founded love. I suppose the message is to not rush through life and exist in the moment. After all, the flower lives that way. View 6 more meanings
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:03:09 +0000

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