IT’S LIKE THIS, KAT! March 9, 2014 Question: I am hearing - TopicsExpress


IT’S LIKE THIS, KAT! March 9, 2014 Question: I am hearing two conflicting stories about a situation that involves me. I don’t know who to believe. It is important that I know the truth, but how can I know the truth? And I’m concerned about hurting someone’s feelings if they think I don’t believe them. Really confused and needing answers. Answer: This is a tough situation. The only one you can rely on for the truth is God. Pray and ask Him to reveal the truth. I have seen Him do this for me over and over again. Little bits of information would come to me from unexpected sources. God will not let you down. He cares about you and whatever is going on in your life. Trust Him to guide you and show you the way. He will! Don’t make any sudden moves. Wait on the Lord. Today’s Article from Kat: MIND OF CHRIST! Part Two My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. I Corinthians 2:4-5 Paul was not an eloquent speaker, nor was he a manipulator. He spoke the truth, and he wasn’t afraid to do so even though it landed him in prison. Many years ago I looked around the neighborhood of the church where I grew up. A few blocks away was a residential area, but no one from that neighborhood attended our church. I remembered the scriptures that command us to go to the world and “compel” them to come (Luke 14:23). I dressed in my blue jeans and a t-shirt, and headed down the road with a bag of suckers in my hand. It wasn’t long before kids surrounded me. I spent just a short time walking, talking, and handing out suckers. The next Sunday we had a group of new kids and teens in our church! God doesn’t call us to be elegant and sophisticated. He calls us to be willing. Jesus Himself was a simple man in many ways. He became one of the people -- a King among them in disguise. He ate with the undesirables. He wore sandals and robes like everyone else. He wasn’t “too good” to speak to anyone from any walk of life. He spoke in parables - modern day stories at the time - to which the hearers could relate. The problem the church as a whole has today is that it does not relate to the people, and there is no power because there is no God. It has become a form and fashion. A ritual. It’s full of programs and schedules. So full that there is no time for God. “[H]aving a form of godliness but denying its power. . . .” II Timothy 3:5. If your church services consist of the same opening prayer, three songs, offering, and 20 minute sermon, then something is missing. Ministers have become just as complacent as congregants. They have settled for stale bread and water. We believe in seeing a “demonstration of the Spirit’s power” every time we meet! We expect to see it not only in our church, but in our homes! Is God’s power resting on you? Do you see Him moving in your personal life? Is He in your car and at your desk? God is powerful! Allow Him to reveal His power in your life today! Don’t settle for anything less! May God’s peace and joy be abundantly yours! Kathy Qualifications/Credentials: Kathy has been in the ministry for 33 years. She is ordained with Open Arms Fellowship (openarmstoall), a ministry ran by Kathy and her husband Randy. Kathy and Randy minister in Word and song and specialize in the area of relationships and meeting the needs of the world around them. For church service info, please visit their website or contact them. Between the two of them, they have four children and three grandchildren! They may be contacted through e-mail: itslikethiskat@yahoo or on Facebook, “It’s Like This Kat.” Disclaimer: Kathy Barnes is not a secular, professional counselor. The nature and purpose of her ministry is discipleship, not professional/secular counseling, and she has not been trained in medicine or psychology, nor has she been trained in any type of secular counseling. Kathy Barnes’ emphasis is in the direction of the Word of God, and she trains people to search the scriptures (the Bible) for answers to lifes problems. Neither Kathy Barnes nor any representatives or contributors to this column are responsible for and cannot be held liable for, any harm, injury, or loss occurring in the lives of participants of this column. Kathy Barnes cannot control decisions or events in participants lives or what participants may l decide to do in the future. Quoted scriptures taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 02:48:32 +0000

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