Iets om oor na te dink. The Circle of Lust… After a rather - TopicsExpress


Iets om oor na te dink. The Circle of Lust… After a rather brief discussion with a friend about entering a relationship with a chap you being the “other woman” I realised that this act of absolute no regard makes us moffies all horrible selfish people! But then the penny dropped and I saw the bigger picture! Now I have changed my view on this promiscuous behaviour ! Go out there moffies, go out there and cause chaos, cause your fellow moffie heartache, bring lust and pleasure to the doorstep of all the boys next door! It all is in the best interest of our economy! See, when you willingly decide to become the “other wife” and tempt a happy chap into slipping into you – with all puns intended- it leaves his current partner devastated! He would go into a state of shock and disbelief, which in turn spike the sales of tranquilisers, booze, chocolates, pizzas, the odd drug dealer making more home deliveries than usual, Macdonalds, KFC – especially the drive through at 2:00a.m… the BF with the new brighter- looking future is entertaining his latest catch in romantic restaurants, with imported chocolates and champagne, Durex sells 200 condoms a month more because of him, and he now buys lube in kiloliters! After all this lusty passion, Florence washes on average 14 towels and 3 times more linen in a week, her “one cup is enough” quickly becomes 4 bottles a week, his water consumption skyrockets to record breaking levels, pushing him into a higher water scale –costing a fortune! After several showers at odd times of the day, his electricity bill looks more like a down payment on a brand new Lear Jet. Vanity has always been in all gays in the village’s blood! And the cosmetics and pressies cleans out his savings to impress the latest “MR Perfect” - remember queens!!- grass can only be greener on the other side if the shit is GOOD and plentiful. This usually only becomes apparent after one has entered almost complete financial ruin. Then this ruined queen visits the doctor on a breezy spring day to get her Viagra, Stillnox and Myprodol’s. Then the dr decides that with “tht” many miles on the clock, it’s time for the “finger-up-the-bum” test and to make it worth while, a couple of blood tests. Two days later on a rainy spring day this ruined queen goes back to the Dr to hear the results, she has become the proud owner of a Huisie In Vereeniging…(HIV). Oom Dr. schedules for some more tests, more pills, more consultations which would over the next 9 years probably pay off his new home in Hermanus…(the Dr’s home my dear queens, our ruined queen would hardly have two pennies in her pocket to rub together) Again there is substantial financial gain by some individuals and businesses. Then on a miserable drowsy winter afternoon, with the weak winter sun shining onto her 200 thread count Mr price duvet, our ruined queen glances over her bedroom for one last time, alone. No pretty boy next to her. She struggles to take her meds and as the large green pill falls on the floor, she closes her eyes one last time. Ruined. Her funeral is small, her coffin not that expensive, the snacks not at all anything to remember, mainly Marmite and Redro sandwiches which the sisters of some church her mother attends, made lovingly. Yet AVBOB shows a little profit. The economy booms with our vanity, our insatiable lust, our insatiable need for a prettier piece of eye candy by our side, our unexplained desire to pretend and to create a façade of this person we want to be, but are not! When have we all become so gullible, so pretentious, so vain!? Another queen ruined means a lot of businesses are flourishing…. and so the cycle continues in the never ending circle of Lust….. Whatever happened to good, old fashioned love?
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 08:14:58 +0000

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