If Chuck Norris created Mondays. . Yesterday, wow! What a crazy - TopicsExpress


If Chuck Norris created Mondays. . Yesterday, wow! What a crazy awesome day!! So, it was a scairy start, Nicky s doe Macy was having trouble with her delivery and she had to pull the baby alone (so proud that I have such a brave farming friend lol) but friends dont let friends birth goats alone..lol.. so I had to go help. Chris had arrived to help by the time I got there and it looked like baby and mama Macy were doing pretty good, aside from the sad sight of her rejecting the baby :( . We had a lovely dinner at Nickys step dads house, best greens Ive ever had! Then it was Mochas turn to deliver, she handled it like a champ all on her own and was a good mama like Lily, Praise the Lord!! On the way home I decided to get some gas. Im driving and boom, horse! Right there in the middle of the 93 highway O_O I swerved to avoid it, flipped a u turn and called the police as I followed behind it in my van. While on the phone another car was coming so I flashed my high beams to alert it and shew another miss, I told the officer I was parking and going to try and settle the horse off the road until they got there if I could. So I parked in the grass pulled out the flashlight I had on hand to help oncoming traffic see the horse as I ran down the road with it. And thank God I did have it, because the next car would have hit her had they not seen the light frantically waving at it lol. She came back to help a little later with some horse grain after I had the horse penned in a pasture gate opening. The officer arrived, and I had to chuckle a little because they sent someone with a horse allergy and no rope lol. He popped the lock to the pasture with an ax which, while effective, sent the already nervous horse into pure panic, almost leaping the barbed wire into a ditch until it realized the gate was open. Shew, God just had his hands on everyone involved tonight!! I got home, put the kids to bed, and realized I had left in such a hurry.. I still had to do all my farm chores lol. What a day filled with life! Who cares if its hard work, I love it!! : )
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:10:22 +0000

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